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.אידיו is that what they're calling it now? ('More)
это так сейчас называется?
.אידיו is that what they're calling it these days? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Where did Paula and Jason go?" B: "They said they were going back to Jason's apartment to study." A: "Oh, is that what they're calling it these days? In my day we called it 'hooking up'!" thefreedictionary.com 'More); is that what they're calling it now? (Used to indicate that something the other person said is or could be a euphemism for something. Often said sarcastically to indicate that the original description is disingenuous, misleading, or deceptive.: "Apparently, the new album is meant to be an homage to the Beatles." B: "Is that what they're calling it now, an 'homage'? Because to me it's just a no-talent hack ripping off a bunch of the Beatles' most famous songs." 'More)