מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

   רוסית אנגלית
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со времени
 со временем
כלל. with time; as the time is extended; moving forward; as time went on
.מָתֵי to due time
.ציטוט as time has gone on
 со времени
כלל. from the time of; since
כלל. ever since
.מָתֵי since
| экономического краха
 экономический крах
.חשבונ breakdown
| которых
כלל. who
произошл 10 | лет
כלל. summer
| назад
כלל. backward
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

со временемמתח
כלל. with time (Her condition should improve with time. merriam-webster.com); as the time is extended (В.И.Макаров); moving forward (RL); as time went on (Ying); during the time (Latvija); as time goes by (Alexander Demidov); as time passes (Alex_Odeychuk); as time progressed (InessaS); with age (Engine components may degrade with age in various ways. I. Havkin); by and by (Taras); with the passing of time (Alex_Odeychuk); in due course (In due course, barring something quite unexpected, we will get Charles III whether we like it or not.); in the fullness of time (VLZ_58); given time (Given time, this could turn to your advantage. – Со временем, это станет для вас выгодно. context.reverso.net Aslandado); in time (In time, the town became "the busiest railway junction in South Australia" with large maintenance workshops, holding sheds, and a large workforce.); as time goes on (с течением времени Alex_Odeychuk); in the long run (Побеdа); as time passed (с течением времени Alex_Odeychuk); in course of time; in length of time; in the course of time; with the lapse of time; over the years (twinkie); over time (bookworm); as the years go by (Anglophile); with due time (SergeyL); over the course of time (ileen); in the long term (dj_formalin); eventually; over time (через какое-то время Alex_Odeychuk); sooner or later (Notburga); along one's journey (Ремедиос_П); in process of time; in progress of time; with age (Ivan Pisarev); with the age (Ivan Pisarev); with the years (Ivan Pisarev); with the years passing (Ivan Pisarev); as we age (Ivan Pisarev); as you age (Ivan Pisarev); as they age (Ivan Pisarev); with aging (Ivan Pisarev); with increasing age (Ivan Pisarev); with advancing age (Ivan Pisarev); as we get older (Ivan Pisarev); as you get older (Ivan Pisarev); as they get older (Ivan Pisarev); as it ages (Ivan Pisarev); as we grow older (Ivan Pisarev); as you grow older (Ivan Pisarev); as they grow older (Ivan Pisarev)
.אמריק after a while (Val_Ships)
.לא רש as you go along (Don't bother with the computer manual – you'll pick it up as you go along. VLZ_58); before long (Val_Ships)
.מֵטֵא lapse of time
.מָתֵי to due time (course)
.נִשׂג with the hands of the clock (VLZ_58)
.ציטוט as time has gone on (Alex_Odeychuk)
.תקשור in on time
in due course time; in good time
со времени
כלל. from the time of; since (+ gen.)
.מָתֵי since (со времени Эйлера)
ever since
со времён
כלל. in the years since (In the years since Thomson and Rutherford, a great deal has been learned about atomic structure); downward from; downwards from
со времени экономического краха, которых
: 1 צירופים, 1 נושאים