מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

   רוסית אנגלית
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כלל. align; set; tune up; rectify; get up and running
.דיאלק drub; make
.מָתֵי put right; fix; adjust
| конструктивное
.רכבים construction
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

פועל | פועל | צירופים
наладиться vמתח
כלל. look up (о делах Notburga); come right; go right; put right; tune up; turn out (all right); work out (I hope your new job works out for you. -- Надеюсь, у тебя всё наладится на новой работе. • I hope things work out for you and Katie. -- Надеюсь, у вас с Кэти всё наладится. ART Vancouver); improve (The kids will have to stay indoors until the weather improves. – пока погода не наладится ART Vancouver); work out for the best (Баян); align; regulate; adjust; arrange; dispose (to); get going; get right; incline (to); organize; repair; set; set going; set straight; take shape; settle down; work out; get in the groove; in the groove; sort oneself out (Перевод выполнен inosmi.ru: Since some time in the late 1980s I have indulged a selfish dream: to fall asleep and wake up in five years, when everything will have sorted itself out and it will be possible to live a normal life. – Где-то с конца 1980-х у меня есть эгоистичная мечта: заснуть и проснуться лет через пять, когда все наладится, и можно будет жить нормальной жизнью.  dimock)
.אידיו fall into place (VLZ_58)
.דיאלק thrash; beat; drub; make (for)
.לא רש send (to); accustom oneself (to); adapt; begin (to play or sing); dispatch (to); dispose oneself (to); get into the habit (of); make up mind (to)
Gruzovik, .לא רש adapt (pf of налаживаться); accustom oneself to (pf of налаживаться); dispose oneself to (pf of налаживаться); make up one's mind to (pf of налаживаться); get into the habit of (pf of налаживаться)
наладить v
Игорь Миг fix a problem; cobble together
כלל. align; set; tune up; rectify; get something up and running (You will need to spend some money to get the business up and running. • I think he really likes you, but it could take a lot of work to get this relationship up and running. • Time is needed to get partnerships up and running. Tanya Gesse); regulate; arrange; dispose (to); incline (to); organize; set straight; tune; get something going (Our new boss surely will be able to get the work going. — Наш новый начальник наверняка сможет наладить работу. Сomandor); rearrange; get something back on track (I tried to get my life back on track after my divorce. Alexander Demidov); get working again (you have to repair all the radar towers to get the comms working again 4uzhoj); set up; get something on the right track (This will help you get your career on the right track SirReal); set going (kee46); repair (kee46); fix; establish; normalize; smooth out (relations)
.ארגון patch things up (Fesenko)
.דיאלק drub; make (for); thrash; beat
.לא רש begin (to play or sing); dispatch (to); harp on the same string; send (to); russian up (самостоятельно подручными средствами, по-русски Vadim Rouminsky)
.מָתֵי put right; fix; adjust
.מכשיר debug; dispose
.תעשיי readjust
наладить конструктивное
: 2 צירופים, 2 נושאים
מדיניות חוץ1