מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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כלל. come suddenly; break out; take by surprise; plump upon; arrive unexpectedly (Anglophile); plump; come unawares; show up unannounced (вместо "show up" можно подставить "come by/over", "arrive" и т.д.: My parents came by unannounced, I'm sorry. • What to do when guests show up unannounced? 4uzhoj); descend (on/upon: That would be impossible if our family and friends descended on us en masse. • About seven police vehicles, most unmarked, had suddenly descended on the area without sirens, according to McRitchie, and a man that she had observed walking through the parking lot with a coffee in his hand was on the ground in cuffs.); turn up (Abysslooker); pop in (Abysslooker); turn up unexpectedly; drop in on without warning (with к); descend on; occur suddenly; swoop down on (with в or на + acc.); raid; gatecrash (к кому-нибудь в гости и т.д., с оттенком неожиданности LisLoki)
.אמריק roll up (Right after we got there, this security guard rolls up and... Taras)
.בריטי pitch up (Abysslooker)
.לא רש come unexpectedly
.נדיר descend upon
Gruzovik, .לא רש appear suddenly; come unexpectedly
turn up out of the blue; walk in
нагрянуть: 16 צירופים, 4 נושאים
לא רשמי1