מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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כלל. follow one's nose; trim the sails to the wind; wait for the cat to jump; set up sail to every wind; look out for squalls (Anglophile); trim one's sails to the wind; have an ear to the ground (Pickman); wait fot the ball to drop (IlonaSun); nose to the grindstone (PeachyHoney); Keep one's eye on the ball (=Keep one's nose to the wind Viacheslav Volkov); have one's finger on the pulse (AD Alexander Demidov)
.אידיו see how the wind blows (Andrey Truhachev); see how the cat jumps (Andrey Truhachev); see which way the cat jumps (Andrey Truhachev); have the nose to the wind (Faststone); keep one's nose in the wind (Keep your nose in the wind and your eyes along the skyline Tamerlane); keep an eye on (Александр_10); watch which way the cat jumps (Bobrovska); watch how the cat jumps (Bobrovska)
.לא רש bend with the wind (valtih1978)
.פִּתג keep a weather eye open (Anglophile); go with the current; like a weathercock in the wind; sit on the hedge; set up one's sail to every wind; trim one's sails to the wind
serve the time; set up one's sail to every wind; keep one's eye on the ball
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.לא רש keep your pecker up (george serebryakov)
.פִּתג wait for the cat to jump (дословно: Подожди, пока кошка не прыгнет. Смысл: выжди, пока не станет ясно, куда ветер подует)
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: 4 צירופים, 3 נושאים