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כלל. high-precision weapons (In a ground-breaking study of Russia's use of what it calls "high-precision weapons" (precision-guided munitions or PGMs in the West) recently published by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, Mr McDermott and his co-author, Tor Bukkvoll, set out the history and development of Russia's interest in this category of weapon. BBC Alexander Demidov); precision-guided munitions (A precision-guided munition (PGM, smart weapon, smart munition, smart bomb) is a guided munition intended to precisely hit a specific target, to minimize collateral damage and increase lethality against intended targets. WK Alexander Demidov); PGM (A weapon that uses a seeker to detect electromagnetic energy reflected from a target or reference point and, through processing, provides guidance commands to a control system that guides the weapon to the target. Also called PGM. See also munitions. Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005. thefreedictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
.יחסים precision-guided weapon
.תְעוּ guide-to-coordinate
precision weapons; precision weapon (grafleonov); smart weapons (ssn); smart weapon (Alex_Odeychuk); precision weaponry (Alex_Odeychuk)
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: 29 צירופים, 3 נושאים
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