מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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כלל. make restitution; pay the damages; repair the damages; make restitution (ущерб)
.הובלה pay damages
make up losses; recoup for damages; recoup for loss; repair damages; compensate for injuries
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כלל. make good a loss; repair a loss; offset loss (Taras); make up the shortage
.פִּרס compensate for injury
compensate for loss
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כלל. compensate for a loss
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.תְעוּ liquidated damages (compensation that is agreed to in a contract and that will be paid to the non-breaching party in the event of a breach: If the contractor fails to perform, the redress for any overrun in time is the application of liquidated damages. Phrase Bank ⃝ Councillor Farmer said the delay would cost the local authority up to £6,000 a week, although £4,500 of this will be redeemable through liquidated damages. ⃝ If the contract is breached, BQE will be able to claim liquidated damages. ⃝ Uccello Immobilien, GMBH ('Defendant'), seeks to reverse a liquidated damages award ordered pursuant to a settlement agreement with Edward Resnick. ⃝ The contractor brought proceedings to enforce the award, which was met by a counterclaim for liquidated damages. ⃝ A Philadelphia judge has awarded an additional $62 million in statutory liquidated damages. TED Alexander Demidov)
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compensate someone for a loss
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damages paid
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כלל. indemnify someone for losses (WiseSnake)
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.כַּלְ compensated loss
возместить убытки: 20 צירופים, 7 נושאים