מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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כלל. hang by; cliff-hang; be in the balance; hang in the balance; on a thread; swing in the balance; hang on a thread; hang on by eyebrows; hanging out on a limb (yuliya zadorozhny); tremble in the balance; hang on by eyelashes; hang in balance (Taras); be within the turn of a die
.אידיו hang by a single thread (Andrey Truhachev); hang by a slender thread (grafleonov); hang on by a thread (4uzhoj)
.גס רו hang by the curlies (VLZ_58)
.לא רש cliffhang; hang by a string (Val_Ships)
.פִּתג hang by a thread
hang by a hair; hang by a single hair; hang by the eyelids; hang on by on's eye brows; hang on by on's eyelashes; hang on by one's eyebrows; hang on by one's eyelashes; hang on by the eye brows; hang on by the eyelashes; hang on by the eyelids; to cliff-hang; be in the air; be up in the air; depend on a hair; hang by an eyelid
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Игорь Миг is flimsy
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כלל. albeit barely (scherfas)
висеть на волоске: 16 צירופים, 3 נושאים