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.מסחר virtual fitting room (A virtual dressing room (also often referred to as virtual fitting room and virtual changing room although they do, on examination, perform different functions) is the online equivalent of an in-store changing room. It enables shoppers to try on clothes to check one or more of size, fit or style, but virtually rather than physically. wikipedia.org 'More); virtual changing room (A virtual dressing room (also often referred to as virtual fitting room and virtual changing room although they do, on examination, perform different functions) is the online equivalent of an in-store changing room. It enables shoppers to try on clothes to check one or more of size, fit or style, but virtually rather than physically. wikipedia.org 'More)
virtual dressing room (Taras)
виртуальная примерочная: 12 צירופים, 2 נושאים
מסחר אלקטרוני7