מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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כלל. 機長; 飛行家; 飛行士; 水先案内; 操縦士; 水先人
.טֶכנו パイロット
.מיושן 按針
.מיקרו パイロット
| s
| assistant
כלל. アシスタント
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

pilot ['paɪlɔt] נ
כלל. 試験的 Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)
.טֶכנו パイロット (pairotto)
.מיושן 按針
.מיקרו パイロット (The introduction of the solution into the production environment, and trial by installers, systems support staff, and end users. Pilots are aimed at minimizing the impact of the deployment and providing valuable feedback on the project's suitability for completion, pairotto)
n pilot | n ['paɪlɔt] נ
כלל. 機長 ichi1 news1 nf10 (きちょう); 飛行家 (ひこうか); 飛行士 news1 nf17 (hikōshi); 水先案内 news2 nf47 (mizusaki-annai); 操縦士 (そうぢゅし)
pilot signal ['paɪlɔt] נ
.קווי パイロット信号
n boat pilot | n ['paɪlɔt] נ
כלל. 水先人 (みずさきじん)
 אנגלית אוצר מילים
PILOT ['paɪlɔt] נ
.מֵטֵא upper-wind report from land station
.נוֹטָ Partners Improving Learning On Tests; Programmed Inquiry Learning Or Teaching; Payment In Lieu Of Taxes; Proportional Integrated Leveling Override Technology; Language Of Teaching (Vosoni); Programmed Inquiry (Vosoni)
.נוֹטָ, .מַדָע Pharmaceutical Industry Leaders Of Tomorrow; Professional Indian Leaders Of Tomorrow; Program In Leadership And Organizational Training; Programs In Leadership And Organizational Training
.נוֹטָ, .מכשיר portable inflight landing trainer; programming inquiry learning or teaching
.נוֹטָ, .סקוטי Phased Integrated Laser Optics Technology; Piloted Low-speed Test; Pod Integrated Localisation, Observation, Transmission
.נוֹטָ, .תְעוּ automatic pilot; phase integrated laser optics technology
.נוֹטָ, .תִכנו, .טכנול Product Investigation Learning And Optimization Tool
piloted low-speed tests
pilot ['paɪlɔt] נ
.נוֹטָ plt
.נוֹטָ, .תְעוּ pil
pilot: 3 צירופים, 2 נושאים