מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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asset ['æset] נ
כלל. Aktivposten m; Aktivum n; Anlagengegenstand m; Gewinn n; Vermögen; Vermögenswert m; Gegenstände des Aktivvermögens
.דין פ, .כַּלְ Vermögensgegenstand m
.טֶכנו Kapital n; Plus n; Wirtschaftsgut n
.טכנול Komponente f; Komponenten f; Aktiva m
.כַּלְ Nachlaßgegenstand m; Eigentum n (zur Deckung von Schulden); Haben n; nutzbringende Eigenschaft; Vorzug m; Wert m; wichtiger Faktor
.מיקרו Anlage f (An accounting classifier used to classify the value of economic resources that are owned by a party); Ressource f (The abstract or concrete resources that a system must protect from misuse by an adversary); Objekt n (A unit of media programming, such as a television program, a movie, or a digital music track, that are delivered to a subscriber in exchange for on-demand fees or subscription fees. Assets are usually files that are stored on a media server); Medienobjekt (A unit of media programming, such as a television program, a movie, or a digital music track, that are delivered to a subscriber in exchange for on-demand fees or subscription fees. Assets are usually files that are stored on a media server); Posten m (Anything owned or controlled by a business, tangible or intangible, that has monetary value and was acquired at a measurable cost); Aktiva m (Anything owned or controlled by a business, tangible or intangible, that has monetary value and was acquired at a measurable cost); Bestand m (Anything owned or controlled by a business, tangible or intangible, that has monetary value and was acquired at a measurable cost)
Anlagegut n; Aktiv n
assets ['æsets] נ
כלל. Mittel n
.ארגון, .פטנטי Anlagevermögen n
.חַקלָ Haben n
.חשבונ Aktiva/Vermögensgüter/Vermögenswerte m; Vermögenslage f
.טכנול Kapitalanlagen f (Anlagen)
.כַּלְ Aktivposten m; Anlage werte
Vermögensgegenstände m; Aktivseite f; eingebrachtes Gut; Eigenmittel; Sondervermögen n; Aktivposten der Bilanz; Aktivseite der Bilanz
 אנגלית אוצר מילים
asset ['æset] נ
.טכנול Something of either tangible or intangible value that is worth protecting, including people, information, infrastructure, finances and reputation
.לוֹגִ Generic term pertaining to a group of equipment or personnel, providing a capability in the concerned domain. (FRA)
ASSET ['æset] נ
.טֶכנו advanced skewed sensory electronic triad; assessment of safety significance event team
.נוֹטָ Allegheny Schools Science Education And Technology; Assessment Of Skills For Successful Entry And Transfer; All-Source Satellite Evaluation Tool; Asset Source for Software Engineering Technology; air storage system energy transfer plant; Australia Surgical Skills Education and Training (peuplier_8)
.נוֹטָ, .טכנול Asset Source For Software Engineering Technology; Advanced Support System for Emulation and Test
.נוֹטָ, .מכוני Automotive Student Service Educational Program
.נוֹטָ, .מכשיר all spacer separated element transistor (technology); automated system and software engineering technology; assessment of safety significant event team
.נוֹטָ, .סקוטי Asset Source for Software Engineering Technology programme (USA)
.נוֹטָ, .תְעוּ aerothermodynamic/elastic structural system environments test; American Society of Scientific and Engineering Translators
.נוֹטָ, .תַחְב Airbus Scheduling Software For Editing Timetables
ASE trading system
Asset ['æset] קיצור.
.נוֹטָ A (LyuFi)
ASSET ['æset] קיצור.
.נוֹטָ, .מֶרחָ aerospace structure environmental test; aerothermodynamic structural system evaluation test; advanced system synthesis and evaluation technique; all source satellite evaluation tool
.נוֹטָ, .מדעי advanced systems synthesis and evaluation technique
.נוֹטָ, .תְעוּ airborne sensor system for evaluation and test
asset: 1136 צירופים, 36 נושאים
ארגון העבודה7
דין פרוצדורלי10
האומות המאוחדות1
הבנק האירופי לשיקום ופיתוח2
חוק פלילי10
טכנולוגית מידע7
יישוב סכסוכים חלופי4
לימודי תרבות1
מיושן / מתוארך2
סחר חוץ1
קרן המטבע הבינלאומית124
שירותים ממשלתיים, אדמיניסטרטיביים וציבוריים1