מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

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כלל. cellule de reacteur
.בּוֹט cellule loge
.חוקי כלל. couche de couverture
.טכנול .הנדסת cellule d'usinage
.כִּימ cellule électrochimique; vase; batterie; pile électrique
.תקשור alvéole en héliogravure; godet de trame
| Inhibition
.רְפוּ blocage
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

שם עצם | שם תואר | צירופים
cell [sel] נ
כלל. cellule de reacteur
.אַסטר mémoire m; location f; caténe f
.בְּנִ formeret m; cellule de prison
.בּוֹט cellule loge
.חוקי couche de couverture
.טכנול, .הנדסת cellule d'usinage
.כִּימ cellule électrochimique; vase m; batterie f; pile électrique; corps simple
.מֵטַל élément de pile
.תקשור alvéole en héliogravure; godet de trame
cells נ
כלל. cellules f
cell [sel] adj.
כלל. capsule de mesure
.אלקטר pile; électrolyseur; cuve électrolytique
.זרימת case
.חַקלָ alvéole; encoche; échancrure
.טֶכנו cellule
.כִּימ pile électrochimique
.מדעי, .הנדסת caisson
.מכשיר élément
.ציוד enceinte
.רְפוּ cellulaire
.תְעוּ section de bombardiers; section
.תַחְב, .בְּנִ compartiment
.תקשור godet
מחש. alveole; cellule (of a table); élément (of a table)
cell The microscopic functional and structural unit of all living organisms, consisting of a nucleus, cytoplasm, and a limiting membrane; biology [sel] adj.
cellule (biologie)
Cell [sel] adj.
כלל. Cellule
electrochemical cell [sel] adj.
.מתיחה accumulateur électrique
 אנגלית אוצר מילים
cell [sel] adj.
.ארצות A subordinate organization formed around a specific process, capability, or activity within a designated larger organization of a joint force commander’s headquarters (JP 3-33)
.לוֹגִ Generic appellation of the organic and/or operational component of a basic unit, a company team or a specialised support detachment which only comprises personnel belonging to a single branch or a single operational function, and who most of the time implement the same weapon system. It corresponds to a section, a platoon or an Army Aviation patrol, depending on the branch they belong to. Subdivision within a Staff. The cell itself can be subdivided into several teams. 2. Organic elements of a commanding post, replacing the traditional subdivisions, they are specialized in the processing of information pertaining to the major components of maneuver military intelligence, combat support, logistic support, etc.. If needed, the cells themselves can be divided into teams. (FRA)
.מטרול Transparent sample vessel for the determination of concentration by colorimetric or turbidity comparison methods
.נוֹטָ celluloid
.נוֹטָ, .נפט/נ cellular
.נפט ו cellar
CELL [sel] קיצור.
.נוֹטָ Collectively Explorative Learning Labs; BrightPoint, Inc.; CIP/Ethernet Library for Linux (Linux, Ethernet, CIP, PLC); cellulose
.נוֹטָ, .טכנול Caller Enabled Leased Line
.נוֹטָ, .מַדָע Continuous Education And Lasting Loss
.נוֹטָ, .רְפוּ Celluloid
Cell Inhibition: 3 צירופים, 1 נושאים