מילוניםהפורוםפרטי הקשר

   אנגלית דנית
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כלל. forslag; banksanering; beslutning; resolution
.טֶכנו opløsning
.טכנול Robinsons opløsning
.כִּימ opløsningsevne
.כַּלְ resolution; EU-resolution
.מיקרו opløsning
FAL 2 vedtaget | den
.רְפוּ tand
3 maj 1990 vedtagelse | af
.חשבונ besiddelse med henblik på salg
ndringer i | till
.מיקרו pengeskuffe
gget til konventionen
- נמצאו מלים נפרדות

resolution ['rezə'lu:ʃ(ə)n] נ
כלל. resolution vedtaget af Interpol
.טֶכנו opløsning
.טכנול Robinsons opløsning
.טכנול, .אסטרו, .טֶכנו billedopløsning
.כִּימ opløsningsevne
.כַּלְ resolution
.מיקרו opløsning (A measure of the fineness of detail in an image or text, usually as produced by a monitor or printer)
.פּוֹל beslutning
forslag; banksanering; bankafvikling
resolution act ['rezə'lu:ʃ(ə)n] נ
beslutning; resolution
resolution EU ['rezə'lu:ʃ(ə)n] נ
.כַּלְ EU-resolution
 אנגלית אוצר מילים
resolution ['rezə'lu:ʃ(ə)n] נ
.מטרול The least interval between two adjacent discrete details which can be distinguished one from the other. In the case of an instrument with digital output, the term "resolution" is often understood as the smallest change in the output (display)
.סִפְר Where the "loose" ends of a narrative are brought together and resolved, or the conclusion of the climax.
Resolution ['rezə'lu:ʃ(ə)n] קיצור.
.נוֹטָ R
resolution FAL.2
: 1 צירופים, 1 נושאים