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AO abbr.contraintes
Игорь Миг аварийное событие
appar. аорта (Ying)
astr. адаптивная оптика (MichaelBurov); адаптивная оптика в астрономии (MichaelBurov)
comm. аналоговый вывод / выход
entités juridiques structures juridiques d'entreprise;types. АО (латиницей!) Единственно верный вариант передачи российской организационно-правовой формы АО в переводе (см. пояснение в тезаурусе) 4uzhoj)
expl. нефтеналивное судно (условное обозначение); нефтеналивной танкер (условное обозначение)
logist. вспомогательное нефтеналивное судно
math. асимптотически оптимальный (asymptotically optimal)
micr. только для взрослых (A game rating symbol developed by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB))
mode. сплошной (принт, узор, рисунок; all over – about print eugenius_rus)
météor. арктическая осцилляция (MichaelBurov)
réseaux. аналоговый вывод данных
techn., abrév. бензовоз; танкер
AOМ abbr.
optiq. акустооптический модулятор (nikoninstruments.com Тантра)
Ao abbr.
génér. лесная подстилка; лесной опад
constr. площадь диска гребного винта (disc area of a screw propeller Углов)
ao abbr.
chin. ао (для транскрипции на основе латиницы, используемой для передачи звуков китайского языка по системе ханьюй пиньинь, кириллический эквивалент приводится по системе Палладия Alex_Odeychuk)
pétr. абсолютная отметка (tat-konovalova)
aO abbr.
métall. активность кислорода (ipesochinskaya)
 Anglais glossaire
AO abbr.
abrév. Aubrey Organics; Authenticator Organization; Automatic Metal Products; Autonomous Object; Auxiliary Office; Aviation Officer; tanker (Vosoni); atomic orbitals; The Amount Of; A-operator (Vosoni); Academic Office; Access Orlando; Accompaniment Only; Account Of; Accountant Officer; Adaptive Optics; Adjustable Objective; Adults Only; air over; Alpha Oscillator; Always Open; American Overseas; Analog Out; Angelic Oceans; Arctic Oscillation; agent-oriented
abrév., affaires;styl. All Ordinaries Index
abrév., agric. ammonium oxalate
abrév., astr. adaptive optics (MichaelBurov); astronomical adaptive optics (MichaelBurov); announcement of flight opportunity; announcement of opportunity (NASA; etc.); atomic oxygen (Yakov)
abrév., autom. air operated
abrév., aviat. aviation occurrence; airworthiness office; available option; administration office; aerodrome officer; air operations; ASCB operation; authorization order; aviation ordnance
abrév., comm. appellation of origin
abrév., constr. altitude observed
abrév., entr. assures obligatories
abrév., impôts. assessing officer (Tiny Tony)
abrév., informat. automated office; automated operator
abrév., Internet;l'int. All The Other; Anarchy Online
abrév., karat. alphanumeric output
abrév., milit. administration officer; aviation ordnance person; assigned area of operations; Acousto-Optic
abrév., météor. American Optical (Company); anodal opening; anterior oblique; aortic opening; Association on Osteosynthesis; atrioventricular valves opening; axio-occlusial; Academy Of Osseointegration; Acid Output; Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fuer Osteosynthesefragen; Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Osteosynthesefragen; Association Of Orthodontists. Singapore; Atelosteogenesis; Arctic oscillation (MichaelBurov)
abrév., phys. Angle Of ....
abrév., phys., médic. Angle of; Aorta
abrév., polit. Angola
abrév., polym. antioxidant
abrév., publ. attitude object
abrév., pétr. abandoned oil; alpha olefin; abstract only; access-opening; air-operated; audio oscillator; azimuth orientation; accounting organization (serz); lateral spacing
abrév., réseaux. analog output
abrév., sakh. Analogue output
abrév., sciences. aesthetic objective; aircraft observe; alkali-olivine basalt; altered alkali-olivine; annual oscillation; applied optics; Arecibo Occultation Catalogue; argon-oxygen; atomic orbital; lateral curve spacing
abrév., serv. Administrative Official; Associate Post Office; Autres Objets, All Other (international mail category - see IMM)
abrév., échang. autres objects
abrév., écoss. Acoustic / Optical; Agent Orange; Area of Operation; Artillery Observation; Askolochnayo aviabomba (Fragmentation bomb (Russia)); Attack Operations; Oiler (USA)
abrév., électr. ALU operation; anodic oxidation; answer only; asymptotically optimum; automatic observer
abrév., équip. acridine orange
milit. assembly outline; authorized order; access opening; accounts office; accounts officer; action officer; administrative and overhead; administrative office; administrative officer; administrative operations; administrative order; aerial observer; aeronautical order; air observer; air officer; air ordnance; airdrome officer; appointing order; area office; Army order; Army ordnance; artillery officer; assembly order
milit., abrév. area of operations; Oiler
techn. astronomical observatory; astrophysics observatory; auxiliary operator; auxiliary oscillator; axial offset; abnormal occurrence; acoustooptic; address overflow; air operator; among others; amplifier output
énergie;industr. automatic closure interlock
Ao abbr.
abrév., électr. operation availability
milit. Operational Availability
ao abbr.
abrév. and others
abrév., chim. anti-oxidant
polym. atom per cent
Ao. abbr.
abrév., médic. aorta
AOLO abbr.
météor. locator, outer, instrument landing system
: 28 phrases, 15 sujets
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