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путано adj.contraintes
génér. muzzily (и т.п.); muzzily; randomly (Abysslooker); muddily
путать v
Gruzovik confuse
génér. imbrangle; mess; perplex; ravel; tedder (лошадей); tether (лошадей); trammel; trammel up; get mixed up; get confused (when speaking); confuse; get two or more things mixed up; mix up (objects previously in order); muddle; addle; ball up; blunder; muss up; bumble; wilder; bedevil; cobweb; jigger; muff; obfuscate; pie; snarl; make a mush; confound; muddle (часто muddle up, muddle together); inlace; jumble; hodge podge; hodgepodge; fetter; hobble (a horse, etc); wander (в речи, изложении); befog; entangle; mess up (lavagirl); mistake for (SirReal); have it backwards (что-либо местами, порядок, последовательность: F2 enters BIOS and F9 enters the recovery screen (or I have it backwards) 4uzhoj); get sth confused (A common mistake is the use of apostrophes instead of quotation marks. A lot of people just get the two confused, using double apostrophes instead of actual quotation marks. – путают одно с другим • There's a lot of research that shows that babies who are exposed to two languages from birth don't get them confused. – не путают их ART Vancouver)
amér., inform. play hob; raise hob
argot. mix up (They look like each other, even their mother mixes them up. == Они так похожи, что их путает даже родная мать.); goof up
Gruzovik, inform. involve in (impf of впутать); implicate in (impf of впутать); mix up in
Gruzovik, élev. fetter a horse, etc (impf of спутать); hobble a horse, etc (impf of спутать)
idiom. get the wrong way round (yalool)
industr. muss
inform. mix someone up; embroil (in); hobble; fetter (a horse); mull; implicate (in); involve (in); mix up (in)
livr. ravel (нитки)
makar. enlace (нитки и т.п.); jig; muddle together; cocker up; confuse (someone – кого-либо); make a cock-up of something; muddle about; muddle around; muddle up; throw out
makar., gross. balls up
math. confuse with; implicate
naut. span (лошадь); tangle
obsol. elf (волосы); elve (волосы); maffle
polygr. pi
poét. ensnarl
путаться v
Gruzovik get tangled of threads, etc (impf of спутаться); become confused (impf of спутаться); get confused (impf of спутаться); get muddled (impf of спутаться); get involved in (impf of впутаться); interfere in (impf of впутаться); meddle in (impf of впутаться)
génér. flounder (в словах); snarl; addle brain; addle (Pippy-Longstocking); get confused; get involved (in); get tangled (of threads, etc); interfere (in); meddle (in); wander (в речи, изложении); bumble; get muddled; ravel; become tangled; become entangled (with в + prep!, in)
amér. get mixed up (Maggie); get confused (Maggie); lose one's way (Maggie); lose one's train of thought (Maggie); get tangled (Maggie)
argot. hob-knob (papillon blanc)
brit. mess around with (напр., с женатым мужчиной Anglophile)
désappr. rub elbows (общаться igisheva)
Gruzovik, inform. be lost; keep company with (impf of спутаться); get entangled with (impf of спутаться); get mixed up with (impf of спутаться); hang about; loaf about; loiter one's time away; roam; be unable to find the way
inform. get entangled (with); get mixed up (with); keep company (with); loaf (about); loiter time away; fool around with (с кем-либо Пчёлка_83); be unable to find the way; become confused; interfere (with в + acc., in); consort (with с + instr., with); take up (with)
inform., désappr. mess with (с кем-либо В.И.Макаров)
makar. clot (о волосах); mess about (with; с кем-либо); mess around (с кем-либо); snarl together; snarl up
éduc. gabble
élevag. shy
путаный adj.
Gruzovik addle-brained; addle-pated; tangled; incoherent
génér. addle; cloudy; incondite; muddy; woolly (confused and vague; used especially of thinking ("Woolly thinking") Kugelblitz); entangled; half-assed; mussy; skimble-skamble; pell-mell; turbid; scrappy; skimble skamble; snarled; intricate (Alex_Odeychuk); alogical (Супру); illogical (Супру); rambling (VLZ_58); muddled (bashworth); controversial (MichaelBurov); ambiguous (bigmaxus); confused; erratic (Abysslooker)
Игорь Миг shambolic
argot. haywire
austr., argot. clear as mud
Gruzovik, inform. muddle-headed; mixed up
inform. wooly (напр., wooly thinking Kugelblitz); confused (of a person)
makar. foggy; muddy (о языке, стиле и т.п.); pellmell
math. confusing; confused
: 163 phrases, 28 sujets
Américain usage, pas orthographe1
En disant1
Industrie textile1
Obsolète / daté1
Pétrole et gaz4
Transformation du bois1