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génér. on-the-job training; discipline; area of practice; background
éduc. practicum; practical training session; practical training period
génér. people on the ground; those at the coalface
progr. practices
| назначения
génér. assignment
| дифференцированных цен
 дифференцированная цена
écon. graduated price
| для
génér. for
| разных
génér. miscellanea
| категорий покупателей
 категория покупателя
entr. buyer category
| по принципу
 по принципу
génér. -based
| сорви
génér. come off
| сколь
math. how much
- seuls les mots individuels ont été trouvés

nom | nom | phrases
практика ncontraintes
génér. custom; use
практик n
Gruzovik practice; operating experience; experience
génér. practical man; expert; empiric; nongraduate; utilitarian; realist; practiser (ssn); doer (Andrey Truhachev); practical worker; practician
makar. practical person; skilled worker
sports. practitioner
практика n
Gruzovik on-the-job training; practical work
génér. discipline (юристы разных практик: In addition, the retail team is equipped with lawyers from various disciplines who collectively provide the right advice for clients to run their businesses effectively ... Fladgate's Russia/CIS team brings together lawyers from various disciplines across the firm and includes six fluent Russian and Ukrainian ... ... not dedicate many fee-earners to it – they put together groups of lawyers from various disciplines who would work for a sporting client as and when needed. Young Conaway combines the talent and expertise of lawyers from various disciplines with those of the Bankruptcy and Corporate Restructuring Section to ... Our team includes lawyers from various disciplines focused on learning about our clients' business, which allows us to provide ad hoc and creative advice, ... He has a clear understanding of the full range of legal issues that arise and works with lawyers from various disciplines to provide the most appropriate solution ... Alexander Demidov); area of practice (У английского слова "practice" нет значения "подразделение или направление работы юр. (или другой) фирмы" – это ложный друг переводчика. Термин "(legal) practice", в частности, это синоним "(юридической) фирмы", и соответственно целое не может быть частью того же целого. В английских текстах, действительно, можно найти случаи употребления "practice" в подобном значении (практически как сокращение полного термина "practice area/area of practice"), но это, строго говоря, некорректно грамматически и представляет собой исключение из правила, при этом сразу выдавая текст как перевод с русского. Alexander Demidov); background (В рамках своей судебно-арбитражной практики: With his litigation and arbitration background, he has also advised corporations (both local and foreign) and individuals to address their dispute resolution needs ... Alexander Demidov); practice area (юр. фирмы. A law firm's practice areas Law firms commonly print brochures or create web pages in order to make their areas of expertise known to prospective clients. This kind of text, or competency statement, is usually entitled "Practice Areas" and generally lists the areas of the law in which the firm has performed successfully and the areas which staff members have most experience in. LE3. Information regarding lawyers RANKED (including associates) in this practice area in the Chambers guides (Анкета Чемберса) Alexander Demidov); internship (студенческая и т.п. Olena); practical training (RTS); practical activity (Alexander Demidov); practical aspects (AD Alexander Demidov); section (в юр. фирме Alexander Demidov); on-job training; department (на юр. фирме Alexander Demidov); proceeding; case law (суда. Пленум Верховного Суда Российской Федерации указал судам общей юрисдикции на необходимость применения Конвенции исключительно с учетом практики ЕСПЧ = The Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation directed the courts of general jurisdiction to always apply the Convention in light of the ECtHR's case law Alexander Demidov); real world; experience (У меня есть практика ведения переговоров.); philosophies (ssn); exercises (Montya); clerkship (Clerkship may refer to: 1. Law. Law clerk – a law student or recent law graduate who practices law under the guidance of a judge or licensed attorney. a clerk of court 2. Medicine. Clinical clerkship – a period of medical education in which students (medical, nursing, dental, or otherwise)– practice medicine under the supervision of a health practitioner. Clerkship (medicine) – clinical training for physicians in training during the second half of medical school. WK Alexander Demidov); work experience (1. the experience you have had of working in a particular type of job: She's well qualified but has no relevant work experience. 2. British English. a period of time that a young person spends working in a particular place, as a form of training. "on work experience": The teenagers spend two weeks on work experience in local businesses. Why do I have to do work experience? work experience placement/programme/scheme etc. LDOCE Alexander Demidov); praxis (в отличие от теории); undergraduate training (Alexander Demidov); practical experience
astr. practices
autom. operating experience
brev. usage
constr. habit
entr. real-life problems (MichaelBurov); real-life issues (MichaelBurov)
forag. drill
bench ((в юридической фирме): Petit’s arrival at Stewarts replenishes the firm’s international arbitration bench following the exit of former practice head Philippa Charles in February for Twenty Essex. In July the firm also bolstered its commercial litigation bench with the hire of partner Alex Leitch from Paul Hastings, where he was head of complex litigation. globallegalpost.com, globallegalpost.com LadaP); practice (в юридической фирме: “Being in Boston will allow the team to closely collaborate with local industry players, strengthen our presence and enhance our ability to serve clients,” said Dan Kracov, co-chair of Arnold & Porter’s life sciences and healthcare regulatory practice and its global life sciences practice. She has spent the past 15 years at NRF, where she has led the India practice since 2015. Petit brings strong leadership credentials of her own, having headed NRF’s arbitration practice across Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Best known for her Indian work, her move comes at a time of reform for Indian arbitration practice and liberalisation for its commercial lawyers. globallegalpost.com, globallegalpost.com LadaP)
idiom. dry run (A practice; a rehearsal. Interex)
informat. workshop
makar. training; working
médic. practice
métall. routine
obsol. practice (of a physician or lawyer)
progr. art (ssn)
sism. experience
sociol. practice period
sports. free practice
tibét. nyams len
échecs. praxis (в отличие от теории и композиции)
écon. practical activity
éduc. practicum (practical training session (period); (US) a course of study for teachers, doctors, nurses, etc., that involves actually working in the area of study and using the knowledge and skills that have been learned in a school; a course involving activities emphasizing the practical application of theory, esp. one in which a student gains on-the-job experience in a field of study; a course of study designed especially for the preparation of teachers and clinicians that involves the supervised practical application of previously studied theory Taras); practical training session (Taras); practical training period (Taras); deployment period (key2russia); work placement; placement; internship; practice (применение знаний и умений на практике)
практики n
génér. people on the ground (AD Alexander Demidov); those at the coalface (Alexander Demidov)
progr. practices (объектно-ориентированные ssn)
publ. makers
практика The parties are bound by any usage to which they have agreed and by any practices which they have established between themselves.-___-___ Стороны связаны любым обычаем, относительно которого они договорились, и практикой, которую они установили в своих взаимных отношениях. CISG n
practices (Andrew052)
установившаяся практика n
aviat. practice
 Russe glossaire
практика n
génér. целеполагающая деятельность людей; освоение и преобразование действительности. Большой Энциклопедический словарь ; разрешённый личный наем на условиях полного рабочего времени в области учёбы учащегося либо в период прохождения учебной программы, либо после окончания учебной программы. Иностранные учащиеся со статусом неиммигранта категории F-1 могут получить разрешение на прохождение практики продолжительностью до 12 месяцев; учащиеся, прибывшие по программе обмена категории J-1, могут получить разрешение на прохождение практики, известной под названием "учебная стажировка" "academical training", продолжительностью до 18 месяцев. Иностранные учащиеся со статусом неиммигранта М-1 могут получить разрешение на прохождение практики только после завершения свой учебной программы и могут получить разрешение на период равный одному месяцу практики на каждые четыре месяца учебы. Для учащихся категорий F-1, J-1 и М-1 требуется письменная рекомендация университета или спонсора программы обмена; для учащихся категории F-1 для прохождения альтернативной практики и для учащихся категории М-1 для практики после завершения учебной программы требуется разрешение СИН.; применение (urbrato); опыт (urbrato); занятие (urbrato)
практика назначения дифференцированных цен для разных категорий покупателей по принципу "сорви
: 2 phrases, 2 sujets