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génér. respect; concern; way; reference; regard; feeling
| средней плотности тока
 средняя плотность тока
makar. average current density
| в любой
 в любом
génér. wheresoever
определнной | апертуре
génér. aperture
| через которую
 через который
génér. through which
| проходит
| электронный
génér. electronic
| л
autom. l
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отношение ncontraintes
génér. respect; concern (can be misleading ART Vancouver); way; reference; regard; feeling; relationship; ration; management; attitude to someone, something (к кому-либо, чему-либо); behaviour (to, towards); pose; posturize; attitude towards someone, something (к кому-либо, чему-либо); stance (It should be noted that this point of view implies a critical stance toward some recent developments in econometric theory. alex); how people see you (отношение к Вам Tanya Gesse); reception (к чему-либо Игорь Primo); tie in; attitude of mind (к чему-либо); disposition (к чему-либо); state of mind (к чему-либо); contact; bearing; frame of mind (к чему-либо); position; sentiment (к чему-либо Alex_Odeychuk); score (напр., He was wrong on several scores. – ...в нескольких отношениях Vadim Rouminsky); bearing (напр.: "all data which may have any bearing upon the case – все данные, которые могут иметь какое-либо отношение к данному делу".); treatment; agreement; attitude (friendly attitude towards somebody – дружеское отношение к кому-либо); relation (with к); relations; approach (AlexandraM); take (напр., what's your take on beards in the business environment Viktor Shevelyov); touch (Дмитрий_Р); answerableness; connexion; connexity; correspondence; correspondency; dependance; habitude; let in; relevance; relevancy; report; term; memorandum
amér. slant; tie-in
argot. rattle; bit (к чему-либо или кому-либо)
astr. connection
biot. GC ratio (G + С)
brev. communication
ciném. slant (She gives an unusual slant to X's biography)
constr. strain hardening ratio
dent. oral relation (MichaelBurov)
dipl. attitude towards something (к чему-либо)
entr. behaviour; attitude to (smth, к чему-л.); attitude towards (smth, к чему-л.)
flux., offic. submission (деловая или служебная бумага (подаваемая "горизонтально", т.е. не иерархической вертикали) Sjoe!)
gest. ratio (Dashout)
inform. department (In dire need of a scoring outburst, the Philadelphia Flyers turned to a player with plenty of experience in that department. VLZ_58)
informat. dependence; dependency; intention (между логическими понятиями)
ling. arc; arch; link
makar. attitude toward someone, something (к кому-либо, чему-либо); behaviour to; behaviour towards; pertinence; posture; relation (зависимость); ratio (дробь); relationship (зависимость); attitude toward someone, something (чему-либо; к кому-либо); approach
math. ratio of x to y (так лучше, чем between x and y)
micr. relation (A structure composed of attributes (individual characteristics, such as name or address, corresponding to the columns in a table) and tuples (sets of attribute values describing particular entities, such as customers, corresponding to the rows in a table). Within a relation, tuples cannot be repeated; each must be unique. Further, tuples are unordered within a relation; interchanging two tuples does not change the relation. Finally, if relational theory is to be applicable, the domain of each attribute must be atomic- that is, a simple value, rather than a structure such as an array or a record. A relation in which the domains of all attributes are atomic is said to be normalized or in first normal form)
milit. letter of request (в знач. "ходатайство": Лейтенанту такому-то подготовить отношение на имя начальника ВАИ ГУВП 4uzhoj)
médias. combination (напр., сигнал-шум); ratio (напр., сторон фотоснимка, кинокадра или кинопроекционного экрана); relation
obsol. concernment; letter; rapport
offic. cover letter (ad_notam)
polym. proportion; ratio rating
psych. attitude (к чему-либо); correlation
relig. referring; animus
syst. association
techn. quotient; rate; relation (взаимная зависимость); proportion (пропорция); relationship (взаимная зависимость); referring; rel.; relatshp
électr. ratio (Rto); attitude; predicate; quotient (двух величин)
équip. tradeoff
отношения n
génér. contacts; truck; dealing (деловые); hookup (особ. между разнородными объектами); terms; dealings (dealings plural business activities; the relations that you have with sb in business • Have you had any previous dealings with this company? • I knew nothing of his business dealings. • She has always been very polite in her dealings with me. OALD Alexander Demidov); a relationship with between, to, someone (с кем-либо); couplehood (романтических партнёров Баян); relationship; relations (мн. ч.); confidential relations; arrangements (Alexander Demidov); fellowship
argot. tie-in; 'ship (сокр. от "relationship" – I see a 'ship developing between Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. 'More)
bases. relations (База данных в ней представлена в виде набора отношений (relation), которые в свою очередь можно представлять себе как таблицу с заголовком, столбцами и строками. bartov-e)
dipl. relation; term
Droit de la Mer;droit m. relations
matters (земельные отношения — land matters Alexander Demidov)
makar. a relationship between (someone – с кем-либо); a relationship to (someone – с кем-либо); ratios; relationship between (someone – с кем-либо); a relationship with (someone – с кем-либо); relationship to (someone – с кем-либо); relationship with (someone – с кем-либо)
pisc. relationships (dimock)
polit. chemistry (Рустем Галеев)
со отношение n
astr. coefficient; fraction; relation
expl. ratio
отношение M/N n
rayonnem. yield per ion pair; M/N ratio (number of molecules produced per ion pair formed); ion-pair yield
отношение N-P n
ressourc. nitrogen-phosphorus ratio; N/P ratio
-отношение n
incendie et de contrôle des incendies;syst. relation
K-отношение n
math. k-ratio
отношение VD/VT n
pneum. VD/VT ratio (отношение объёма "мертвого пространства" (VD) к дыхательному объёму (VT) olga don)
K/L-отношение n
rayonnem. K/L ratio
отношение C-N n
ressourc. carbon-nitrogen ratio; C-N ratio
личные отношения n
génér. term
Отношение n
amér. official letter from a supporting institution (Maggie)
отношение N:M n
informat. N:M relationship
ST-отношение n
progr. state-transition relation (ssn)
отношение C-N-P n
ressourc. carbon-nitrogen-phosphorus ratio
отношение C / H n
usin. carbon/hydrogen ratio
 Russe glossaire
отношение n
génér. частное от деления одной величины на другую. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
отношение средней плотности тока в любой
: 1 phrases, 1 sujets
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