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génér. rob
génér. amputate; deprive; take away; take up; be paralyzed; become numb
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génér. rob (что-либо); eat away (to reduce something by a little at a time // These bank fees eat away at my savings every month. // So far, the antiwar protests in Moscow have looked almost pathetically temperate. But sociologists have been saying for years that Putin’s core electorate is dwindling. What underpins his popularity – roughly 60% approved of his rule before this crisis started – is a total lack of viable alternatives to Putin’s rule. But this decision is sure to eat away at the passive mass of his supporters, especially in Russia’s biggest cities. | TIME.com 4uzhoj); bereft; devest; eject (собственность); fetch off; maim (член); rid; stent; stint; subduce; writhe; remove (one’s hand); rob of (hope, faith, etc.); take away; take (a certain amount of time, effort, etc.); amputate; abstract; bereave; take up; deduct; derogate (часть прав и т. п.); detract; reave; rob; strip; tear; reive away; reive from; reive; defraud (с помощью обмана); deprive; subduct; withdraw; wrong; wean (от груди); take up (время и т.п.); tear out; back up back up a month from the wedding day to prepare (Alex Lilo); repossess (Secretary); tear from (силой); denudate; come away; disrobe; divest (собственность, права); fleece; flinch; rape; tackle (мяч, шайбу); grab away (Ремедиос_П); seize (Ремедиос_П); select; pick; choose; cull; sort; single out; skim (Leonid Antonenko); soak up (to use a large amount of (money, supplies, etc.) This project is soaking up resources that could be used elsewhere. VLZ_58); wrest (Ремедиос_П)
agric. ablate
austr., argot. knock off
biol. remove
dipl. denude
entr. detract from; divest; rob of; subtract
figur. pare; rob (что-л.); rob (что-л.: Working all day robs me of any energy to go out in the evening. В.И.Макаров); choke down (SirReal)
rescous; rescue
informat. take from; take off
lang. nibble
livr., obsol. derogate (что-либо)
makar. bereave of; rob of (что-либо); strip of (что-либо); take up (времени, активности, энергии); wrong of
makar., poét., arch. reave away
obsol. abjudicate (судебным приговором); abscind; writhle; disfurnish (VLZ_58)
peu fr. destitute (какую-либо собственность)
poét. widow
transp. absorb
écon. deduct (вычитать); take away (вычитать)
отниматься v
Gruzovik be paralyzed (impf of отняться)
génér. amputate; deprive; take away; take up; become numb; grow numb; become numb (в т.ч. о языке, даре речи); become paralyzed (of a part of one’s body)
inform. deduct; subtract
of отнимать v
livr. widow
: 154 phrases, 23 sujets
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En disant2
Génie thermique1
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