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industr. wet suction box
génér. mine; of mine; my
inform. my wife
relig. meum
génér. sloosh; lave; scrub
| благодарность
génér. gratitude
| вам
bouddh. vama
| за
génér. for
| вс
milit. Bundeswehr
| вами
dial. you lot
| сделанное
génér. made
- seuls les mots individuels ont été trouvés

verbe | verbe | pronom possessif | pronom | phrases
мыть vcontraintes
Gruzovik wash (impf of вымыть, помыть)
génér. embay; laver; sprinkle; swill; wash up (посуду); bathe (тело); bath; sluice; shampoo (голову); sloosh; clean down (автомобиль); mop; clean (посуду); do up; char (выполнять функции домработницы); mop up (шваброй В.И.Макаров); wash; scrub (обыкн. щёткой с мылом); scour
argot. do up (Jane asked her mum to do up her dress. == Джейн попросила маму приготовить её вечернее платье.); moogie; mujee; soogie; soujge; sujee; swab down
constr. launder
emball. rinse
expl. jig
makar. scrub away (обыкн. моющим средством и щёткой); scrub out (обыкн. моющим средством и щёткой); sluice out; sponge down (губкой); wash down; wash out; clean down (что-либо)
obsol. disperge
poét. lave
servic. shampoo
techn. cleanse
teng. flush
torp. scour (щёткой)
élevag. sponge
мыться v
Gruzovik perform one's ablutions; wash oneself (impf of вымыться, помыться)
génér. sloosh; lave; scrub; wash; wash oneself; bath; have a shower (malt1640); get cleaned up (Johnny, go inside and get cleaned up. Andrey Truhachev); clean up (If you go and clean up, you make yourself clean and tidy, especially after doing something that has made you dirty Andrey Truhachev)
argot. splash; swab down
jarg. swab down (MichaelBurov)
makar. have a bath; take a bath; wash up; freshen up (и т. п.); have a wash; perform one's ablutions
makar., amér. clean up
peu fr. bathe
génér. mine; of mine; I my; my (моя, моё, мои; употр. атрибутивно)
inform. mein (German word for 'mine' or 'my'. You will see stereotyped German/Russian folk in TV shows speaking with such phrases as "mine dog" (they don't differentiate between the two), which can be spelled "mein" urbandictionary.com Shabe); my husband (coll. denghu)
latin., livr. meum
моя pron.
génér. mine; of mine; my
inform. my wife (coll. denghu)
relig. meum
мой Office
micr. my Office (A tab available to users who are signed in on Office.com where they can launch Office on Demand and access their most recently used online documents and folders)
cмыть v
génér. wash out (of Artemie)
génér. United Nations of Yoga
МОЯ pron.
industr. wet suction box (мокрый отсасывающий ящик Mila_Wawilowa)
мой Windows Phone
micr. my Windows Phone (A free online service that's accessible through The main feature of this service is that users can find a lost phone windowsphone.com.)
 Russe glossaire
моя pron.
génér. прил. от мой
моя благодарность вам за
: 1 phrases, 1 sujets