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NO [nəu] abbr.
abrév., naut. northeast (MichaelBurov)
NO <устар.> [nəu] abbr.
abrév., naut. NE (MichaelBurov)
No. abbr.
génér. ¹ (Юрий Гомон)
latin. Nobis ("to us", "for us")
No [nəu] abbr.
techn. molecular density at standard conditions
univ., abrév. N
NO [nəu] abbr.
abrév. New Orleans; New Orleans Field Office; Next Opportunity; no office; Normal Output; Normally Open; Norwegian; Not Organized; National Office (Alex Lilo); Natural Orbital (Alex Lilo); Naval Observatory; Navy Officer (Alex Lilo); Necrotic Obsession (online community Alex Lilo); Network Operator (Alex Lilo); Network Origin (Alex Lilo); Never Oscillate (Alex Lilo); New Order (band Alex Lilo); Nice One (Alex Lilo); Night Operation (Alex Lilo); Nihil Obstat (Latin: no objections Alex Lilo); No Offense (Alex Lilo); No Oscillation (Skimaire Alex Lilo); Nominal Model (Alex Lilo); Nomine Officii; Nord-Ouest (French: north west Alex Lilo); Nord-Ovest (Italian: Northwest Alex Lilo); Nordost/Nordosten (German; North East Alex Lilo); North/Northern (Alex Lilo); Not Official (Alex Lilo); Not Open (Alex Lilo); Not Optional (Alex Lilo); Not Out (Alex Lilo); Nouveau Orleans (French: New Orleans Alex Lilo); Novara (Piemonte, Italy Alex Lilo); Number Of (Alex Lilo); Nuovo Ordinamento (Italian: new Curriculum Requirements Alex Lilo); Occupation Official (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately Alex Lilo); The Number Of ....; Norway (Alex Lilo); octane number; Noise Ordinance
abrév., allait. Nursing Office
abrév., astr. new style
abrév., aviat. no action taken; no
abrév., biot. nucleolar organizer
abrév., chim., scient. Nitric Oxide; Nitrous Oxide; Nobelium
abrév., derm. nevus of Ota (iwona)
abrév., entr. No number
abrév., espac. nonofficial; not obtained; nozzle orifice
abrév., footb. New Orleans Saints
abrév., industr. No Onions
abrév., informat. Next Operating
abrév., Internet;l'int. Nerf Online
abrév., math., scient. Non Oscillatory; The Number Of...
abrév., milit. Number
abrév., optiq. nitric oxide
abrév., ordin., informat. Not On
abrév., polic. Secrets Interagency Steering Group
abrév., polit. Norway
abrév., pétr. new oil; nitrogen oxides; naphthenic oil; night observation; no objection; no survey; non-official; non-original; north offset; not observed
abrév., sakh. normally open
abrév., serv. No Office
abrév., syst. normal opened
abrév., écoss. Nursing Officer; Norway (NATO country code)
abrév., électr. nitric oxide gas; nitrided oxide; nitridized oxide; nitride-oxide layer; nitroxide; non-official; no reoxidation; NOT OR
milit. narcotics officer; naval officer; naval operation; naval ordnance; navigation officer; navigation operator; neutral officer; not operational
techn. no orders
no. abbr.
abrév. normally open
informat. number
No. abbr.
abrév. item; subparagraph; North; northern; (Юрий Гомон)
abrév., sports. number
No [nəu] abbr.
abrév. number; end/warp; nobelium
NO [nəu] abbr.
abrév., aviat. normal operation; normal operation in SSM; nose
abrév., médic. nitrogen monoxide
no [nəu] abbr.
abrév. nitrogen oxide; north; northern
abrév., informat. number номер
Nos [nəu] abbr.
abrév., écon. number s (L. Numerus)
: 1 phrases, 1 sujets