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génér. fest; kalas; parti
génér. part; konventionsstat
| In
génér. i; inne; insistera
| Group
math. grupp
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nom | adjective | phrases
party ['pɑ:tɪ] n
génér. fèst; kalás; partí
part; konventionsstat
micr. part (A person or organization that participates in economic activities)
 Anglais glossaire
party ['pɑ:tɪ] abbr.
abrév., austr., argot. rage
One of the sides of a case. The person who started the case is called the plaintiff or defendant. The person being sued is called the defendant or respondent; a person or a group of people acting together and forming one side in an agreement, contract, dispute, or lawsuit plaintiff People, State, etc., prosecution or defense, One of the sides of a case
milit., abrév. pty
Party ['pɑ:tɪ] abbr.
abrév. Pty
univ., abrév. P
Party In
: 22 phrases, 7 sujets
Industrie de l'industr.2
Physique nucléaire1