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outcome measurescontraintes
génér. показатели результатов (Lavrov)
essai cl. критерии оценки данных (перевод, принятый в регуляторных органах Украины paseal)
milit. показатели последствий
médic. оценка исходов (Raissa_St)
outcome measure
génér. критерии результата (blob); итоговый критерий (Anisha); итоговый показатель (dreamjam)
essai cl. критерий эффективности (igisheva); показатель результата (Andy)
médic. измерение результата; критерий оценки эффективности (Olga47)
Outcome Measures
phys. выходные показатели (WladGen)
 Anglais glossaire
outcome measure
informat. Checks the accuracy of the results produced by a test run (There are three types of checks that an output analyzer can perform. First, if a standard set of test data and test results exist for a program, the output of a test run after program maintenance can be compared with the set of results that should be produced. Second, as programmers prepare test data and calculate the expected results, these results can be stored in a file and the output analyzer compares the actual results of a test run with the expected results. Third, the output analyzer can act as a query language; it accepts queries about whether certain relationships exist in the file of output results and reports compliance or noncompliance)
médic. In a clinical trial, an outcome or event used to objectively measure the effect of a drug or other intervention being studied. Common endpoints include severe toxicity, disease progression, and death. voir également clinical trial, surrogate endpoint
outcome measures
: 22 phrases, 5 sujets
Essai clinique14
Soins de santé1