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fill in the blankcontraintes
génér. задание на заполнение пробелов (nelly the elephant); уточнять (I. noun: A type of question or phrase with one or more words replaced with a blank line, giving the reader the chance to add the missing word(s). II. verb: 1. To answer or complete a fill in the blank. (idiomatic, figuratively) 2. To complete the interruption, ambiguity or vagueness in understanding, perception or context of a situation. 2010, George Friedman, Flotillas and the Wars of Public Opinion: The Zionists intended to shape the perceptions of a global public with limited interest in or understanding of the issues, filling in the blanks with their own narrative. WT Alexander Demidov)
éduc. задание на вставку пропущенных букв (слов и т.п.)
inform. свой вариант (перевод не дословный. Пример из оригинала: The black purses I see are either too large/small/embellished/plain/fill-in-the-blank. Moscowtran)
informat. заполнение пустых полей стандартного бланка
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Fill In The Blank
chat., abrév. FITB
états. FIB
fill-in -the-blank
: 15 phrases, 7 sujets
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