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Cl abbr.contraintes
chim. хлор (MichaelBurov)
sakh. глинистые минералы; пелитовый состав; гранулометрический состав
CL abbr.
génér. статья (договора, контракта); оговорка; пункт
astr. осевая линия
autom. потери энергии сгорания (combustion energy loss MenshovaAnna)
forag. средняя линия (center line); центральная линия (center line); средняя ось (center line); центральная ось (center line); хромлигнит (chrome lignite); постоянный уровень (constant level); загрузка вагона (car load)
Gruzovik, scient. кабельная линия (cable link)
informat. язык компилятора комплементарные логические схемы с переключением сигналов постоянного тока (входной); список изменений (Если инженер сталкивается с проблемой в компоненте, за пределами своего проекта, он может исправить проблему, выслать предлагаемые изменения («список изменений») владельцу на рассмотрение и затем внедрить сделанные изменения в основную ветвь программы. bartov-e)
math. доверительный предел (confidence limit); доверительный уровень (confidence level)
réseaux. кабельная шина; токовая петля
techn. следующая строка
teng. горючая жидкость (жидкость, способная самостоятельно гореть после удаления источников зажигания и имеющая температуру вспышки выше 61°С. Aiduza)
énerg. лицензия на сооружение (construction license; МАГАТЭ kate_sever)
cl abbr.
génér. 10 мл (cream)
Gruzovik, scient. постоянно действующая нагрузка (continuous load)
Gruzovik, écon. масса груза, оплачиваемая по грузовому тарифу (carload)
math. замыкание (closure)
sakh. пелитовый (гранулометрический состав); глина (глинистые минералы)
écol. смертельная концентрация
cl. abbr.
génér. сантилитр (4uzhoj)
techn. класс
 Anglais glossaire
Cl abbr.
abrév. chloride (Vosoni); clinozoisite; Conservation International; monocentric; first generation of vegetative propagation
abrév., chim. chlorine (MichaelBurov)
abrév., médic. chlorine
abrév., plast. circuits per layer
abrév., pétr. caliper; claystone; cleavage; climatology; coal
abrév., sciences. lower carboniferous
astr., transp. Cl
stat. Confidence limit (Ying)
énergie;industr. capital improvement; center island; chemical injection; cleaning index; clearing index; combustibility index; combustion intensity; complex index; components integrity; compression ignition; confidence interval; confidential information; configuration interaction; containment integrity; containment isolation; control and instrumentation; conventional island; core internals; corrugated iron; curtailment index
Cl. abbr.
abrév. classifier; clarinet
abrév., sciences. cleavage
latin. Clericus (Clerico, "cleric")
Cl- abbr.
abrév., nom d. Chloride
Cl* abbr.
abrév., électr. chlorine radical
CL abbr.
abrév. Champions League; Chicken Little; Civil Litigation; Common Lisp; Community Leader; Company Logo; check list; Cabin Lighting; Cable Links; Case Laboratories; Caseous Lymphadenitis; Catherine Lockhart; Clinical Leaflet; Clock Latency; Column Address Strobe Latency (CAS, IC); Combat Level; Combat Load; Combi Limousine; Compliance Letter; Conference Location; Congressional Library; ConnectionLess (CO); Contact Line; Conversion Layer (HiperLAN/2, UMTS); Core Image Library; CSSCS Lightweight Computer Unit; Culham Lab; Current Layer; credit line (oVoD); CAS latency
abrév., agric. certified litter
abrév., angl. centre line
abrév., appr. chlorinity
abrév., armes. current limiting
abrév., assur. Center line
abrév., autom. closed loop; central locking; comfort luxe
abrév., aviat. Cabin Log (журнал замечаний по пассажирской кабине Zealot2002); climb (Interex); clip (Interex); cloud (Interex); change level; compass locator; crack length; centerline/cutterline data; change letter; China Life; closing; component location; connecting line; control laws; cruise altitude; cutter line
abrév., biol. corpus lutetium
abrév., biot. corpus graviditatis
abrév., bours. Colgate Palmolive Company
abrév., card. cycle length (Баян)
abrév., comm. crosstalk loss; call money; callable loan
abrév., compt. current liabilities
abrév., constr. communication laboratory
abrév., cryo. condensation level
abrév., cycl. crank length
abrév., dess. curve length
abrév., entr. calibre; capital loss; centilitre; Civil Law; collection; continuous line
abrév., espac. centreline; checklist; coefficient of lift; control limit; control logic; core logic
abrév., expos. container load
abrév., extens. Common LISP language source code file
abrév., gynéc. Corpus Luteum (IanKollis)
abrév., industr. call loan
abrév., informat. Command Language; Command Line; Compile And Link; Control Language; Computer Linguistics
abrév., ingén. connecting lines; contact loss
abrév., intell. Competition Learning
abrév., loi cr. correction law (igisheva); correctional law (igisheva); corrections law (igisheva)
abrév., makar. lethal concentration
abrév., math., scient. Confidence Level
abrév., milit. Light Cruiser; circular letter; Class of Supply (Denis_Sakhno)
abrév., milit., aviat. centerline lights; circuit closing
abrév., médic. Cardiolipin; Cell Line; Chest And Left Arm (lead In Electrocardiography); Childhood Leukemia; Chronic Leukemia; Cirrhosis Of Liver; Cleft Lip; Composite Lymphoma; Constant Region Of Light Chain Of Immunoglobulin Molecule; Lung Compliance; Chloride; Clearance (Клиренс или коэффициент очищения Alexx B); capillary lumen; caution light; Clearing Station; Clostridium; component life; criterion level
abrév., métall. campaign life
abrév., optiq. cathodoluminescence
abrév., phys., médic. Chlorine; Clavicle; Clean; Closed; Contact Lens
abrév., polit. Chile
abrév., polym. center of lift; ε-caprolactone
abrév., progr. coalition logic (ssn)
abrév., psych. Cochrane Library
abrév., pétr. caliper log; car load; chrome lignite; combustible liquid; compiler language; condensate or natural gas liquids content; constant level; Love wave velocity; cable length; carload lot; cathodoluminescence spectroscope; cathodoluminoscope; cement lined; cemented liner; chain locker; Chemical Literature; clean-non-shale formation; clinochlore; clinoptilolite; coincident loop; column; Common law; continuous line heat; continuous load; convolute lamination; core loss; correlation index; cost of living; course line; critical locus; crumpled lamellae; cut lengths; salinity; clean bill of loading
abrév., réfr. condenser line
abrév., réseaux. cable link; current loop
abrév., scienc. calcisol; clay loam
abrév., sciences. calendar line; international date line; cathode luminescence spectroscopy; cathode luminescent; ceiling light; chlorite; confidence limits; continental lithosphere; cost of land; Craik-Leibovich equations; critical latitude; Late Cretaceous
abrév., soud. weld centerline (MichaelBurov); weld center line (MichaelBurov); weld metal centerline (MichaelBurov)
abrév., techn. Centre Line,Central line; crane load; crew's limit
abrév., téléc. Link Connectivity; convergence layer
abrév., écoss. Central Line; Light cruiser
abrév., électr. calling line; child level; circuit layout; circumscription logic; class loader; cleaving; coherent light; cold link; collimator lens; communications link; compression library; Compton laser; condenser lens; continuous laser; control layer; core link; correlation length; counter logic; crystal loss; cylinder lens
abrév., électr., scient. Cathodoluminescence
abrév., élev. canine leptospirosis
abrév., élim. caprolactam
abrév., équip. centerline; cutter location; Common List
milit. catapult launched; central laboratory; chemical laboratory; chemical laser; climatic laboratory; combat and liaison; combat loss; component list; consolidated listing; contact lost; control leader; coordination level; craft loss; critical list
ordin., informat. Connectionless
techn. capacitive load; cathode luminescence; cellular logic; Chemiluminescence; Cherenkov light; clearing; collimating lens; completely labeled; computer language; containment leakage; conversion loss; convertible lens; core-image library; cylindrical lens; I am closing my station; liquid crystal
transp. Carload or containerload
cl abbr.
abrév. centilitre (volume); call (Vosoni); carload (Vosoni); chemical leanness (химическая постность pelipejchenko); claim; classification; clause; clearance; close; cloth; conceptual level
abrév., médic. clone
abrév., médic., latin. cutis laxa
abrév., pétr. clastic; clayey; clerk; collect
abrév., sciences. clay slate
agric. clutch
biol. clavicle; closure; clove
cart. clay
chim. chlorine
expl. cylinder
informat. closed
ingén. coil
médic. clear (Vosoni)
polym. centiliter; class
cl. abbr.
abrév. class
abrév., biblioth. Clarendon; cloth
abrév., comm. carload lot; classification; closure; collection
abrév., constr. centiliter
abrév., pétr. clayey
abrév., sciences. centre line; clay
abrév., écon. clerk
claim; clause
: 74 phrases, 36 sujets
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