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génér. Grandma's footsteps (в зависимости от контекста; детская игра: The Grandma's Footsteps game, also know as Grandpa's Footsteps by some, is a classic game played across playgrounds worldwide. org.uk fa158)
afriq. going slowly doesn't prevent arriving (пословица народа хауса Yanick)
citat. you can't rush speed (источник: кинематограф bojana); you can't rush speed (bojana)
en d. the longest way round is the shortest way home (it may seem as if it will take too long to do something carefully and according to directions, but in fact it will take less time than doing something carelessly, because you will not have to fix it afterwards); the furthest way about is the nearest way home (дословно: "самая длинная окольная дорога-ближайший путь домой"); the more haste, the less speed (дословно: Чем больше спешки, тем меньше скорость); step by step one goes far; fair and softly goes far; the slower you go, the farther you get (ART Vancouver); the more haste, the less speed; easy does it; make haste slowly; hasty climbers have sudden falls; more haste, less speed; the longest way round is the shortest way home; the furthest way about is the nearest way home; slow and sure wins the race; slow but sure wins the race; slow but steady wins the race (Anglophile); slow and steady wins the race; fair and softly goes far (the less we hurry, the more likely we are to succeed in achieving our aim, take your time); nice and easy does it all the time (from a song of the 60s 4uzhoj); nice and easy does it all the time (4uzhoj)
en d., prov. the more haste, the less speed
prov. more haste less speed; haste makes waste; haste trips over its own heels; learn to say before you sing; little by little (and bit by bit); the furthest way round is the nearest way home; the more haste, the less speed
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génér. easy does it
makar., prov. the longest way round is the shortest way home
prov. slow but sure; make haste slowly
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prov. the more haste, the less speed
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génér. better safe than sorry (Telecaster)
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prov. the furthest way about is the nearest way home
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en d. go slow to go fast (masizonenko)
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: 1 phrases, 1 sujets