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génér. close up (to refuse to talk about your true feelings or thoughts:

Why do you close up every time I mention your father? Bullfinch); crawl into one's shell (Bullfinch); retire into one's shell; go into shell; retire into shell; shrink into oneself; draw into one's shell (Anglophile); keep oneself to oneself (Anglophile); become reserved; escape; shrink

Игорь Миг turn inward; shut off oneself from the world; retire into oneself; retreat into oneself; withdraw into one's shell; withdraw into oneself; zone out; close oneself off
inform. clam up (Val_Ships); close down (I wanted to talk to her but she just closed down. Abysslooker)
makar. draw into one's shell; shrink into onesel
éduc. enclose; encapsulate
замкнувшийся в себе
figur. withdrawn (Because of his hearing loss, he was withdrawn and shy. ART Vancouver)