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 Anglais glossaire
col [kɔl] abbr.
abrév. collected; collectór; college; coloniál; colony; color; colored; colorimeter; column; coloured
abrév., pétr. columns
biol. collect; collection; colloidal
cart. colour
col. abbr.
abrév. collectór; college; colorless
abrév., biblioth. colophon
abrév., comm. collation
abrév., médic., latin. cola
abrév., sciences. collection
abrév., écon. collateral; coloniál
constr. column
industr. coloured
polym. color; colored
COL [kɔl] abbr.
abrév. City Of Light; City Of London; Community Of Love; Cost Of Living; Caldera Open Linux (Caldera, Linux); collimator; Computer Oriented Language
abrév., aviat. checkout language
abrév., bours. Columbia/ HCA Healthcare Company
abrév., comm. consumer opinion leader (dms)
abrév., constr. Construction and Operation License (tay)
abrév., entr. collated; collateral; collation; control
abrév., espac. coast orbital insertion
abrév., extens. Collision; Colors palette (Vosoni); Color palette (Autodesk Animator - many); Spreadsheet (MS Multiplan)
abrév., financ. customs office list
abrév., génét. colchicine
abrév., informat. Color palette; Spreadsheet; computer-oriented language
abrév., Internet;l'int. Caribbean Online; Charity On Line
abrév., milit. Colonel, United States Army; Combat Operations Loss
abrév., naut., scient. Council on Ocean Law
abrév., organisation;nom de l. Commonwealth of Learning
abrév., polit. Column
abrév., progr., informat. Caldera Open LINUX
abrév., pétr. carbon-oxygen log; Cambrian and Ordovician limestone
abrév., transp. Container Off Load
abrév., écoss. Communications Oriented Language (USA)
abrév., éduc. Change Of Life
abrév., éduc., scient. College Of Letters
abrév., électr. chip on lead; collimator lens; communications-oriented language
abrév., électr., scient. Characteristic Orange Luminescence
abrév., équip. Colonies
milit. change of location; coherent optical laser; contingency operating location; counterintelligence operational liaison
techn. cable delay line; carbon dioxide laser; ceramic delay line; Chain overseas low; colorimetry; combined operating license; computer design language; constant delay line; construction/operating license
énergie;industr. construction and operating license
Col [kɔl] abbr.
abrév. Colombia; Colorado
abrév., médic. factor colicinogenic factor
latin. Columba (the Pigeon, Голубь Vosoni); Epistle to the Colossians
milit. colonél
COLS abbr.
abrév., math. COLS technique (MichaelBurov); corrected ordinary least squares (MichaelBurov); corrected ordinary least squares technique (MichaelBurov)
abrév., milit. concept of logistic support
abrév., syst. COLS method (MichaelBurov)
cols abbr.
abrév., pétr. columns
COL [kɔl] abbr.
abrév., informat. Control Oriented Language
abrév., journ. composition language
Col. abbr.
abrév., sciences. colour; Colorado; Columbia
Col$ abbr.
abrév., pétr. Colombian Peso