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 Anglais glossaire
Hed abbr.
abrév., pétr. hedenbergite
hed abbr.
abrév. headquarters
argot. headline (журналистский сленг Tiny Tony); heading (журналистский сленг Tiny Tony)
HED abbr.
abrév. High Energy Detector
abrév., astr. howardite-eucrite-diogenite (AllaR)
abrév., aviat. Herendeen, Alaska USA
abrév., chim., scient. Hot Electron Death
abrév., entreprise;nom d. Houston Energy and Developmen
abrév., extens. Document (HighEdit)
abrév., informat. Document
abrév., ingén. horizontal electric dipole
abrév., intell. holistically-nested edge detector (Alex_Odeychuk)
abrév., milit. High Energy Density
abrév., milit., aviat. headquaters
abrév., médic. Hereditary Ectodermal Dysplasia; Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia; Unit Skin Dose (of X-rays, Ger. Haut-Einheits-Dosis); human - equivalent - dose (kat_j)
abrév., médic., techn. hygienic equipment design
abrév., organisation;nom de l. Division of Health Education
abrév., sciences. hazard-economy division
abrév., électr. high energy device
abrév., électr., scient. Hall Effect Device; Horizontal Electric Dipole
milit. human engineering data
techn. high-endoatmospheric designation; high-energy detector; historical earthquake data; human engineering deficiency; human engineering discrepancy