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Tel [tel-] abbr.
abrév., entr. Trans Telegraphic Transfer
Tel. abbr.
abrév. telegraph; telegraphy; telephone; telephony
abrév., sciences. tellurate
abrév., écon. telephone number (No.)
Tels abbr.
abrév. telegrams
TEL [tel-] abbr.
abrév. Tax And Expenditure Limit; Tax Expenditure Limitation; Telugu; Time Entry And Labor; telephone station; total exhaust losses
abrév., autom. top engine speed limit
abrév., aviat. telebrief; telephonic; tool and equipment list; trailing edge left
abrév., chim. lead tetraethyl
abrév., chim., scient. Tetra Ethyl Lead
abrév., entr. telegram; test and evaluation laboratory
abrév., informat. Telnet Host file
abrév., marq. Tokyo Electron Limited; Tokyo Electron Ltd
abrév., milit. Telephone; Transporter- Erector- Launcher; Transporter Erector Launcher (e.g., for Scud missile); transporter-erector launcher; transporter/erector/launcher; transporter-erector-launcher tel
abrév., polym. tetraethyl lead
abrév., pétr. test equipment list; tetraethyllead; tubing end locator
abrév., réseaux., informat. Traffic Event Logger
abrév., sciences. tetraethyl-lead; total energy loss
abrév., éduc. Technology Enhanced Learning; Tennessee Electronic Library
abrév., électr. task execution language; television; terminal executive language; thermoelectric cooler; transversely excited laser; two-excimer laser
milit. training equipment list; transporter-erector-launcher
techn. telephony; telescope
énergie;industr. target emission level
Tel [tel-] abbr.
abrév. Telychian (MichaelBurov); Telychian age (MichaelBurov); Telychian strata (MichaelBurov); Telychian time (MichaelBurov); the Telychian (MichaelBurov); telegraph; telephone
abrév., géol. Telychian sequence (MichaelBurov)
géol. Telychian Stage (MichaelBurov)
latin. Telescopium (the Telescope, Телескоп Vosoni)
tel [tel-] abbr.
abrév. telecommunications; telegraphy; telemetry; teletype
naut. telegraphist
états. teletypewriter
tel. abbr.
abrév. telegram (Vosoni)
abrév., comm. tele graphic
: 1 phrases, 1 sujets