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MED [em'ed] abbr.
abrév., aviat. manufacturing engineering documentation; manufacturing enhanced dataset; median effective diameter
abrév., espac. momentum exchange devices
abrév., pétr. maximum entropy deconvolution; minimum effect dose; minimum entropy deconvolution
abrév., sciences. micro farad; mixed exponential distribution; Modified Euclidean Distance Method; multi-effect distillation; multi effect distillatory
Med [em'ed] abbr.
abrév. Mediterranean; medieval
abrév., pétr. Med pricing region (MichaelBurov); Med price (MichaelBurov); Medina
abrév., écon. Mediterranean Sea
milit. medical officer (MichaelBurov)
polym. Medium (группа этилцеллюлозных субстанций с этоксильным числом (содержанием этоксильных групп) от 45,0 до 47,0%. Поставки субстанций данной группы ограничены и выполняются строго на заказ. Цифровое обозначение, следующее за буквенным "Std." соответствует вязкости 5%-ого раствора продукта, измеренной при 25 град. Цельсия, в единицах мПа*с (миллипаскаль*сек), что эквивалентно сП (сантипуаз). Пример: Med. 50; Med. 70; Med. 100 Min$draV http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/en/pdf/192-00818.pdf Min$draV)
Med. abbr.
abrév. medical
abrév., techn. medicine
MED [em'ed] abbr.
abrév. Management Of External Data; Medical Board; Modem Equivalent Device
abrév., appr. Multiple-effect distillation (Altuntash)
abrév., arch., scient. Mayan Epigraphic Database Project
abrév., aviat. Madinah, Saudi Arabia; main entry door; manufacturing engineering dept; mechanical equipment description; memory examine/data; micro electronic device; minimum engineering development; MLO electronic database; multifunction display
abrév., bours. E Medsoft.Com
abrév., derm. minimal erythema dose (Ying)
abrév., extens. MED/OctaMED (Vosoni); Minimum Expected Delay; Music format (MED/OctaMED Module Vosoni); Macro Editor delete save (WordPerfect Library); Music format (Amiga MED/OctaMED)
abrév., industr. Mint Eye Disguise
abrév., informat. Macro Editor delete save; Music format
abrév., milit. Medical; Medical Eligibility Determination; Medium; Message Element Dictionary; The Mediterranean Sea; minimal effective dose med
abrév., milit., aviat. mechanical equipment design
abrév., médic. minimum effective dose; Medical Department; medical electronic desk-top.
abrév., phys., médic. Maximum Effective Dose; Medial; Minimal Erythemal Dose; Minimum Effective Dose; Minimum Erythemal Dose
abrév., réseaux. Multi-Exit Discriminator (t_edelweis)
abrév., scient. Master of Education; Masters in Education
abrév., transp. Marine Equipment Directive
abrév., éclair. minimum erythema dose
abrév., écol. multiple-effect distillation (slitely_mad)
abrév., écoss. Master Emulator Database; Message Exchange Device
abrév., électr. Microsoft easy distribution; modified exponential decay (model); molecular electronic device; multivalued electron distribution (effect)
abrév., électr., scient. Modeling for equipment design
abrév., équip. microbial electrosynthesis
milit. maintenance engineering data; manipulative electronic deception; manual entry device; median effective dose; Mediterranean; Mediterranean engineer division; message entry device; microelectronic device; military electronics division; minimal effective dose
énergie;industr. maximum exposure dose; minimum energy dwelling; multiply effect distillation
med [em'ed] abbr.
abrév. medal; medalist; medallion; median; medication; medicine
abrév., médic. medial; medialis
inform. medical
med. abbr.
abrév., sciences. medium
MEd [em'ed] abbr.
abrév. Master of EDucation
MED [em'ed] abbr.
abrév., opht. monocular elevation deficiency (монокулярная недостаточность элевации doc090)