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CONE [kəun] abbr.
abrév. estimated cost of new capacity (BAR)
abrév., bours. Computer Organizations Of New England
abrév., entr. connexion
milit. controller error
nasd. Carrier 1 International
énergie;industr. Cost of New Entry (BAR)
cone. abbr.
abrév., sciences. concrete
industr. concentrated
métall. concentrate
Cone. n
latin. Concilium ("council")
cone [kəun] n
milit., logist. Division of the ground along its depth around the penetration axes highway sheaf, obstacle cones. (FRA)
CONED [kəʊnd, koʊnd] abbr.
abrév., marq. Consolidated Edison
abrév., éduc., scient. Continuing Education
coned [kəʊnd, koʊnd] abbr.
abrév. concentrated
cone: 2 phrases, 1 sujets