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génér. sintesi biologica
agric. impianto del bosco
astr. origine
constr. letto
industr. constr. sagomatura
médic. formazione; organizzazione; biosintesi
techn. industr. constr. formazione del foglio
| water activity
 water activity
soins. industr. attività dell'acqua
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formation [fɔ:'meɪʃ(ə)n] n
génér. sintesi biologica
agric. impianto del bosco
astr. origine f
constr. letto f
industr., constr. sagomatura f
médic. formazione f; organizzazione m; biosintesi m; costituzione m
métall. gruppo n
techn., industr., constr. formazione del foglio
transp. corpo stradale; piattaforma della linea
 Anglais glossaire
formation [fɔ:'meɪʃ(ə)n] abbr.
abrév., géol. earth formation (MichaelBurov); geologic formation (MichaelBurov); subsurface formation (MichaelBurov)
abrév., polym. f
abrév., pétr. fm
géol. Fm (MichaelBurov)
milit., abrév. fmn; form; formn; frmn
milit., logist. An ordered arrangement of troops and/or vehicles for a specific purpose; An ordered arrangement of two or more ships, units, or aircraft proceeding together under a commander; Organized part of a unit or group of units; Distribution of the elements of a unit on the ground. In French, pertains only to small units. Related term: disposition. (FRA); Any existing or newly-organized unit, tactical formation or major formation. Some formations are temporary, for instance march serials, teams, etc. (UKR/NATO); Element of the Army, identified according to its specific characteristics and of its mission, buildup conditions, attachment, or stationing particularities. (FRA)
formation water
: 7 phrases, 4 sujets
Produits minéraux1
Sciences de la Terre1
Sciences de la vie4