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 Anglais glossaire
ACE [2] abbr.
abrév. affinity coelectrophoresis
abrév., autom. acceptance corporation; active cornering enhancement; autodiagnosis car expert
abrév., aviat. active change events; actuator control electronics unit; advanced concepts evaluation; advanced controlled experiment; air cargo equipment; Airbus central entity; Airbus concurrent engineering; aircraft capability exploration; airplane cost estimate; airplane cost estimate system; airspace class E; American Council on Education; asynchronous communication element; automated cost estimating; aviation construction engineers
abrév., informat. Advanced Communication Experiments
abrév., milit. Army Certificate of Education
abrév., météor. acetyl cholinesterase; adrenocortical extract; Adriamycinum, Cyclophosphanum, Etoposid; mixture alcohol-chloroform-ether mixture
abrév., élevag. alcohol-chloroform-ether mixture
ACEi [2] abbr.
abrév., médic. angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ингибитор ангиотензинпревращающего фермента Dimpassy)
ace [2] abbr.
génér. Academia de Ciencias Económicas (сокр. от исп. Углов)
abrév. air conditioning equipment
abrév., médic. adverse clinical event
abrév., écon. account
bridg. A
espagn. micas = Argentine Academy of Economics (сокр. Углов)
électr. absorption of conversion electrons (сокр.; поглощение конверсионных электронов Углов); absorption of conversion electrons (поглощение конверсионных электронов; сокр. Углов)
ACE [2] abbr.
abrév. anaesthetic mixture of alcohol, chloroform and ether; American Council of Education; Association of Consulting Engineers (Incorporated); automatic computing equipment (engine); aerospace control environment; Adjusted Current Earnings; Area Control Error; Academic Center For Excellence; action by the Community relating to the environment; Accelerated College Enrollment; Adaptive Color and Contrast Enhancement (Амбарцумян); After Christian Era; Army Combat Earth-mover; ASCII Compatible Encoding (ASCII, Internet, DOMAIN); Achinese; Allied Command, Europe; Association of Cost Engineers (Ассоциация инженеров по экономической эффективности (Великобритания) Углов); automated cable expertise (автоматическое диагностирование кабельных линий Углов); Automated commercial environment (Vladimir71); automatic computing engine (автоматическая счётная машина Углов); Autonomous Computer Engine (WD)
abrév., affair. Allied Command Europe NATO
abrév., agric. anaesthetic mixture of alcohol, chloroform and ether
abrév., armes. acetylcholinesterase
abrév., aviat. advanced certification equipment; automated cost estimate; automatic computer evaluation; Lanzarote, Canary Islands
abrév., biol. adrenal cortical extract
abrév., chim., scient. Acetate
abrév., ciném. American cinema editors
abrév., comm. Auxiliary Control Element; Acquisition Center of Excellence
abrév., constr. Approved Capital Expenditure (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abrév., contr. acceptance check-out equipment
abrév., entr. acceptance; accepted
abrév., espac. adaptive computer experiment; aerosol/clouds/ecosystem; atmospheric chemistry explorer; automated cost estimates; automatic check-out equipment; average cumulative error
abrév., espagn. Argentine Academy of Economics (Углов)
abrév., expl. Assistant Chief Engineer
abrév., extens. Access Control Encryption/Entry; Adverse Channel Enhancements (Microcom)
abrév., gest. actual control estimate
abrév., industr. automatic cost estimates
abrév., informat. advanced computing environment; automatic calling equipment; Access Control Entry; access control entry (Bricker); advanced computational element; asynchronous communications element
abrév., ingén. automatic control engineering
abrév., karat. advanced capability explorer (исследовательский КА с усовершенствованными характеристиками; сокр. Углов)
abrév., logist. Automated Commercial Environment (Ying)
abrév., makar. angiotensin converting enzyme
abrév., marq. Advanced Computing Environments
abrév., milit. Adaptive Communication Environment; Aviation Combat Element; Airspace Coordination Element (подразделение по координации использования воздушного пространства; сокр. Углов); Ammunition, Casualty, Equipment (Report ochernen); armored combat earthmover; airborne command element (USAF); air combat element (NATO); Allied Command Europe; aviation combat element (USMC); Army Corps of Engineers
abrév., milit., aviat. abrasive cutting equipment
abrév., médec. accident cause elimination
abrév., médias. American Cinema Editors
abrév., médic. angiotension converting enzyme; Adverse Childhood Experience (study); American College Of Epidemiology; Association Of Clinical Embryologists; American College of Endocrinology (Американская коллегия эндокринологов Dimpassy); angiotension-converting enzyme (Vosoni); External Carotid Artery (makhno)
abrév., naut., scient. Advanced Composition Explorer
abrév., ordin. advanced color enhancement (ZolVas)
abrév., polit. Alliance for Credible Elections (обычно оставляют английскую аббревиатуру при перевода - даже на официальном сайте организации vanross)
abrév., polym. acceptance checkout equipment; automatic checkout equipment
abrév., pétr. adjusted current earning; advanced control equipment; air cycle engine; alcohol, chloroform-ether mixture; all critical environments; alternating conditional expectations; American Council on the Environment; analog contrast enhancement; Australian concrete elevation; automatic clutter eliminator; automatic continuous evaporation; average compressional energy; autocatalytic reaction
abrév., relig. Accelerated Christian Education
abrév., réseaux. adaptive critic element (clck.ru dimock); access control encryption; access control equipment
abrév., sciences. accelerated cathode excitation; acetic; altimeter control equipment; American College of Ecology; automatic computing engine
abrév., sports. American Council on Exercise
abrév., sylv. allowable-cut effect
abrév., techn. Aylesbury collaborative experiment
abrév., titr. AMEX Commodities Exchange
abrév., voyag. Association of Cruise Experts (dimock)
abrév., écon. Association of consulting engineers; The Association of Consulting Engineers
abrév., écoss. Actuator Control Electronics; Air Combat-manoeuvres Evaluation; Analysis & Control Element; Arrow Continuation Experiment (Israel)
abrév., éduc. Adult And Community Education
abrév., éduc., scient. Advanced Compatibility Engineering
abrév., électr. advanced customized ECL (усовершенствованная специализированная логическая схема с эмиттерными связями; сокр. Углов); aging compensating effect (компенсирующее действие старения 2. компенсация старения; сокр. Углов); access connection element; access control element; adaptive contrast enhancement; address chip enable; advanced client environment; advanced communication engine; advanced CMOS-ECL circuit; Advanced Computing Environment Alliance; Advanced Concept Equipment, Inc.; advanced custom ECL; analog circuit engine; analysis and characterization environment tool; animated computer education; architecture for communication in the enterprise; arithmetic controller engine; ATM circuit emulation (card); audio connecting equipment; automatic compensation of emissivity; auxiliary conversion equipment
abrév., énergie;industr. area control error (MichaelBurov)
abrév., équip. Angiotensin-converting Enzyme; Application Control Environment (Термин Honeywell: The Application Control Environment (ACE) is an Experion controller ideal for supervisory control solutions and third-party control system integration. mtapili)
apoll., abrév. approach-correcting engine
milit., abrév. Army combat engineers; advanced compilation equipment; advanced controlled experiments; advanced cost effective; air combat engagement; aircraft capability estimator; aircraft condition evaluation; airspace control element; ambush communications equipment; armored combat earthmover; armored combat engineer; artillery control experiment; assessment of combat effectiveness; atmospheric control experimentation; automatic clutter elimination; automatic computing equipment; automatic control equipment
ordin., abrév. area control error; automatic crossconnection equipment
techn., abrév. Advanced computer environment; accelerated; acceleration; advanced capability explorer; advanced computing element; altitude control electronics; analytic computer equipment; anesthetic mixture of alcohol, chloroform and ether; attitude control electronics; automatic circuit exchange
transf., abrév. allowable cut effect
écol., abrév. Antarctic current experiment