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 Anglais glossaire
ST [-st] abbr.
abrév. shop telegraph station
abrév., anesth. single twitch (Natalya Rovina)
abrév., aviat. seat; stabilizer trim; statistics; steering tiller; stratus; system testing
abrév., bask. steals
abrév., bien. steering tool
abrév., entr. sales tax; sight; Special Tools; statement; statute; steel; step; stock; straight time; surtax
abrév., espac. sentinel standards; shuttle trainer; surface temper; system time
abrév., forag. strain
abrév., médic. scapulothoracic
abrév., pharm. sulfathiazole
abrév., pétr. salvage tug; sample taker; sample tops; sample tube; sampling time; Sao Tome and Principle; Schmidt trigger; sea transport; sealed tube; sediment trap; sedimentation time; seismic theory; service tool; sesterterpene; sesterterpenoids; shirt tail; short trip; skim tank; slim-tube; solution treatment; sonar technician; special tax; special tool; standard test; steam tanker; steam tight; steam trap; steam tug; steel teeth; steel-truss; stratigraphic test; structure tee; stylolites; surface trench
abrév., sciences. satellite triangulation; saturated thickness; saxothuringian; scattering transform; semidiurnal tide; service tools; shock tunnel; siltstone; source transducer; space transformation; spring tide; standard trace; stilpnomelane mesoband; stirrup; storage tank; streamflow; structure; subjects thing; super typhoon
abrév., semi-c. silicon target
abrév., sports. slow twitch; speech therapy
abrév., toxic. sterigmatocystin (igisheva)
abrév., électric. strap
ST. abbr.
abrév., techn. stratus
St [-st] abbr.
abrév., entr. Saturday; Stl stainless steel
abrév., forag. starter
abrév., pétr. streamlined; stud
abrév., sciences. sillimanite; stannite; stat; stilbite; stilpnomelane; stishovite; stoves; supratemporal
St. abbr.
abrév. Saturday; station; stationary; stokes; stone; strait; street; stretched
abrév., chim. styrene
abrév., sciences. strong
STEST abbr.
abrév., pétr. successful test
ST [-st] abbr.
abrév., médic. spindle transfer (ser77)
ST [-st] abbr.
abrév. Same Time; Sesotho; Special Treatment; Standard Time; Sub Total; Safe Toy; Saint Tome and Principe; Satellite Transmitter; sawtooth; scientific and technical; Screening Tool; Seagate Technologies; Seagate Technology (HDD); SEAL Team; Secondary Table; See And Treat; Seek Time; Segment Table / Type; Segment Title; Selectable Technology; Self Test; self-testing; Semi Tread; Sequence Type; Service Time; Sex Toy; Shadow Technology; Shared Tree (PIM, SPT, CBT, Multicast); Ship Type; short term (Ася Кудрявцева); Short Ton; Short Tons; Short Track; Short Tread; Show Turtle; Show Type; sidereal time; Siege Tank; Sign Type; Signaling Terminal; Silent Treatment; Silly Twit; Simon Tissot; single-throw; single-tire; Situation Time; Sixteen Thirty; Skinhead Times; Snap Twist; Soft Touch; Solar Terrestrial; Sound Trap; sounding tube; Space Talk; Special Technology; Special Text; Special Touring; Special Trailer; Special Transport; Special Tuning; Speech Therapy; Spontaneous Timed; Sport Technologies; Sport Turismo; Sports Technology; Sports Tourer; Sports Touring; Sports Trainer; SPS Technologies, Inc.; Squall's Time; ST Rail System; Stadium Truck; Stafford Tavares; Stage Of Disease; Standard Touring; Standard Trailer; standards (eternalduck); Standby Time; start; starting time; State Transformation; Station Timed; steam; Story Teller; Straight Tip; Strategic Task; Street Thunder; strip-tin; Stuart Taylor; Stupid Things; Sub Topic; Subtraction Term; Summer Time; Super Travel; Support Technical; Surveillance Test; The Simulation Toolkit; setup time; sexy thang; Shirley Temple; star trek
abrév., agric. sensation threshold
abrév., angl. sole trader (igisheva)
abrév., appar. Total Scan Time (Sagoto)
abrév., armes. Structured text
abrév., autom. scan tool; short trim; solenoid-timing; sport touring car; Stability Track; stereo indicator
abrév., aviat. scramble time; safety tool; sampling tube; sealant tape; search/track; section template; shock test; shock tube; simulation test; single throw; single tire; single turn; slab tailplane; special tool cutting; specific thrust; specification tree; speed trend; spin test; spring tab; stagnation temperature; stairway; stamp transfer; standard tolerance; standard tool; standard tooling; start tank; start starting time; status code; stopping time; structure technology; surface treatment
abrév., bact. Streptococcus thermophilus (igisheva)
abrév., bours. Short Term
abrév., cart. steel truss
abrév., champs. sidetracking (Alexander Demidov)
abrév., charb. Softening temperature (City Monk)
abrév., compt. side track
abrév., constr. sea trawler; steering telegraph
abrév., contr. short-term
abrév., câbl. bayonet fiber optic connector (MichaelBurov); BFOC (MichaelBurov); ST connector (MichaelBurov); Stab and Twist connector (MichaelBurov); straight tip (MichaelBurov); straight tip connector (MichaelBurov)
abrév., défens. skin track
abrév., entr. Side Trip (Сокращение в электронном авиабилете Alexander Oshis)
abrév., expl. surface transport
abrév., extens. Scream Tracker Instrument library; Segment Table; Smalltalk language source code file (Little Smalltalk); Stamp (NeoPaint)
abrév., hygièn. sanitary towel (grafleonov)
abrév., inform. sticky type
abrév., informat. State And The; Schmitt trigger; Seagate technology; Stream Protocol; supertest (Tiny Tony)
abrév., Internet;l'int. Such That
abrév., milit. Scientific and Technical; Scientific/Technical; Special Training; shipping ticket; Space Transport; supply and transport; Surface Terminal; small tug; strike team
abrév., milit., astr. satellite terminal
abrév., médec. tactile sense
abrév., médias. State This
abrév., médic. Sickle cell Thalassemia; Sinus Tachycardia (cardiac); Skin Temperature; Skin Test; Skin Thickness; Solid Tumor; Surgical Technologist; Tumor Surgery (TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) Classification: ST0 Surgery Not Done, ST1 Complete Resection, ST2 Resection, 50% To 90%, ST3 Resection 5% To 50%, ST4 Biopsy, And ST5 Shunting); stent thrombosis (Horacio_O); heat-stable bacterial toxin; skin testing; staff training; standardized test; sinus tachycardia; syncytiotrophoblast; systemic test
abrév., métall. stress tempering
abrév., or;extr. shaking table (MichaelBurov)
abrév., phys. Scala Tympani; Skeletal Traction; Slight Trace; Stent Thrombosis
abrév., phys., médic. Sexually Transmitted; Stomach
abrév., polit. St. Lucia
abrév., polym. standard temperature; surface tension
abrév., progr. Structured Text (ssn)
abrév., pétr. seismic tomography; short thread; sidetrack; tensile strength; surface torque (tat-konovalova)
abrév., réseaux., informat. Subject To
abrév., sakh. steam tracer
abrév., scienc. sticky
abrév., scient. Sao Tome
abrév., serv. Street (Street Suffix); Sorting Tender (UK, part of RPO); Source/Type Code (MODS report abbreviation); Special Tooling
abrév., sports. Spring Training; Starting Time
abrév., techn. start signal
abrév., transp. Street
abrév., virol. stable toxin
abrév., écoss. Civil aircraft marking (Sudan); Staff Target; Strategic Transport, air; Support Tank
abrév., éduc. Show And Tell
abrév., éduc., scient. Special Topics
abrév., électr. sample time; sampling test; satellite transponder; scan type; scrambled text; select time; self-timer; self-trapping; send timing; set trigger; SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV; shallow trench; sidetone (circuit); signaling technique; signal terminal; silicidation temperature; simple transmission; simplex terminator; skin tracking; slant transform; slow transverse wave; smart terminal; sound track; spanning tree; start timing; stepping table; stoichiometric oxide; stress test; string termination; stub tuner; studio-to-transmitter (line); stuffing table; subscriber terminal; successful tracking; switching transient; symbol table; symbol timing; symmetrically blocking thyristor; system technology; system tester; start-up transformer; segment type
abrév., élevag. Society of Tea (China)
abrév., équip. sensing tool; setup time for batch; synonymous term; Screening Test; STart
chat. Struggler
milit. superintendent of transportation; scheduled training; security troops; service telegram; service test; signal training; simulator training; space technology; special test; special training; special troops; start time; static test; strategic transport; surface target; survivability test; survival time; system test
océan. Stratosphere-troposphere
ordin. space telescope
phys. Esotropia; Shock therapy
pétr. steel structure
techn. sample top; service testing; set-up time for batch; signaling tone; site team; sound telegraph; source term; space tracking; spaceborne telescope; speed transmitter; standard taper; star tracker; steam turbine; surge tank; synchronous transmission; target speed
énergie;industr. slow transients; stabilization time; startup time; startup transformer; statutory functions; steady-state; sump tank; surface temperature; systems test
st [-st] abbr.
abrév. Static Thrust; stone (weight); stilb; slight trace; staff; stage; star; stepchild; stratus (об облачности Leonid Dzhepko); street; strophe; studio; surface tension
abrév., entr. stone; study
abrév., espac. Stanton number
abrév., forag. single track
abrév., math. steradian
abrév., médic. statutory; stimulus; subtype
abrév., pétr. stet
abrév., sciences. stony; strong
abrév., électr. short ton
agric. stand; sterilization; stitch
aviat. store
cart. stone not shaped nor rolled
expl. stand-by; stere
polym. stable; standard; stationary; statistical
techn. st
écon. stock transfer
équip. station
St [-st] abbr.
abrév. stream; staurolite; stokes; styrene; Saint; Stanton criterion; State; status; Stewart number; strait; stretched
abrév., milit., aviat. strontium
abrév., médic. Stocks
aviat. Strouhal number (bonly)
énergie;industr. total sulfur
st. abbr.
abrév. seat; stairs; stand; steam; stene; stanza (Vosoni)
abrév., biblioth. stet; stitched
abrév., médic. let it stand; let them stand
abrév., sciences. stable; standard
abrév., sports. start; straight; steals
abrév., écon. steamer; statement
expl. steel
St. abbr.
abrév. Statute; Statutes
abrév., biblioth. Saint
abrév., écon. straits
abrév., élim. stearic acid
State laws or acts
ST. abbr.
abrév. Staff
ST SLFTPG [-st] abbr.
abrév. self-tapping