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micr. àrea
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area ['e(ə)rɪə] n
micr. àrea (" A part of the user interface dedicated to a particular purpose, such as "instant message area.")
 Anglais glossaire
AREA ['e(ə)rɪə] abbr.
abrév. Area Bancshares Corporation; American Railway Engineering Association; American Railway Engineers Association
abrév., sciences. angle resolving energy analyzer; Arctic Research in Environmental Acoustics
milit. Army reactor experimental area
techn. Army Reactor Area
area ['e(ə)rɪə] abbr.
abrév., constr. a.
milit., abrév. ar
milit., logist. Functional area within a logistic squad level point where the assets required to carry out a logistical task are gathered. (FRA); Regiment- or battalion-sized functional facility, component of a base or detachment, that provides a logistic support in a specific field. (FRA)
AREAS abbr.
abrév., sciences. area resource analysis system
Area ['e(ə)rɪə] abbr.
abrév., pisc. developing land-based producer states likely to be most seriously affected by the production of minerals derived from the
area: 56 phrases, 3 sujets