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command [kə'mɑ:nd] n
génér. Befehl m; Gebot n; Kommando n; er/sie hat/hatte befohlen; befehlen; Kommandobereich m; Order f; Befehlshaber m; Befehlsgewalt f; Führung f
brev. gebieten
comm. Steuersignal n
constr. Befehlserteilung f; Wasserspiegelhöhe m
contr. Befehl in einem Funktionsplan
entr. Anordnung f
expl. Signal n (z. B. Seilfahrtsignal)
gymn. zurufen; Zuruf m
informat., techn. Instruktion f
instr. Führungssignal n
micr. Befehl m (An instruction to a computer program that, when issued by the user, causes an action to be carried out. Commands are usually either typed at the keyboard or chosen from a menu); Bedienungsaufruf m; Aufruf m
milit. Führungsstab m
phys. Steuerung f
sciences., constr. Auslaufhöhe f
techn. Anweisung f; Herrschaft f; Kommandogewalt f; Machtwort n; schalten; Steuerungsbefehl m; Befehl Signal (deprecated, Datenverarbeitung); Fuehrungsgroesse m; Befehl m (deprecated, Datenverarbeitung)
téléc. Befehl m (Computer)
écon. Gewalt f (of über); Verfügung f (of über); Verfügungsgewalt f (of über); Beherrschung f; Kenntnis f (Sprache usw); anordnen; verfügen über; beherrschen; fordern
éduc. Vorschrift f; Weisung f
équip. Maschinenbefehl m; Maschineninstruktion f
control command [kə'mɑ:nd] n
instr. Regelbefehl m
commands n
génér. befehle
command [kə'mɑ:nd] v
génér. ich/er/sie beföhle; befahl; befiehl!; kommandieren; befehlen (du befiehlst, er befiehlt)
intell. an weisen
micr. anweisen; den Befehl erteilen an
techn. befehligen
commanded v
génér. befahl; befohlen
 Anglais glossaire
command [kə'mɑ:nd] abbr.
abrév. com
milit. control and communications system; control and identification
milit., abrév. cmd; comd
milit., logist. The authority and responsibility vested in a member of the military forces for the purpose of using available resources, planning their employment, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlling military forces. 2. A unit, group of units, organization or area under the authority of a single commander. 3. An order given by a member of the military forces with the vested authority, expressing his will to bring about a particular action. (UKR/NATO); Order given by a commander. It expresses the commander's will regarding the execution of a given action. Chain of sequenced actions consisting in: 1. giving orders. It requires: that they be prepared following a thinking process, that the decisions be taken, that they be written and disseminated; 2. controlling their execution in: following the situation, conducting the maneuver and especially coordinating the actions of units; 3. reporting. There are 3 levels of command responsibilities: 1. Decision commander and conduct chief of staff; 2. Synthesis, coordination, proposition commander of the op-center and cells commanders; 3. Execution and conduct staff officers. (FRA)
techn., abrév. cd
états. The authority that a commander in the armed forces lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment. voir également area command, combatant command, combatant command command authority; An order given by a commander; that is, the will of the commander expressed for the purpose of bringing about a particular action. voir également area command, combatant command, combatant command command authority; A unit or units, an organization, or an area under the command of one individual (JP 1) voir également area command, combatant command, combatant command command authority
Command [kə'mɑ:nd] n
génér. Control and Communications
abrév., extens. .com (file name extension); .cmd (file name extension)
COMMAND [kə'mɑ:nd] abbr.
abrév., autom. cockpit management data system
abrév., aviat. computer command engineer
command pilot
: 9 phrases, 4 sujets