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ATC abbr.
aviat., instr. FS-Kontrolldienst
 Anglais glossaire
ATC abbr.
abrév. Air Traffic Controller; About The Creators; Acoustic Tile Ceiling; Advanced Thermo Concept (Cooler-Master); aerial tuning condenser (Vosoni); automatic tone correction (Vosoni); acoustical tile ceiling; adaptive transform coding; air traffic controllers (Anglophile); American TV and Communications; Authority to Construct permit (Yeldar Azanbayev); Authorized Testing Center (MS); Automatic Temperature Compensation (автоматическая компенсация температуры shpak_07); Mini-Armored Troop Carrier (Riverine Warfare Craft); Application Transaction Counter (SAKHstasia); Aircraft Technical Committee; air training camp; Air' Transport Committee; American Turbine Corp.; amalgamated territorial community (sleepymuse)
abrév., affair. armoured troop carrie (бронетранспортер (БТР)); armoured troop carrier
abrév., appar. automatic tube compensation (Natalya Rovina)
abrév., armes. Aberdeen Test Center
abrév., austr. Australian Tourist Commission
abrév., auteur;droits. authorization to copy
abrév., autom. automatic temperature control; automatic traction control (Andreyka); adiabatic-turbo compounding; aligning torque coefficient; all terrain cycle; automatic temperature control system; automatic toe-in control; automatic tone control; automatic traffic control system; automatic transfer case
abrév., aviat. Aviation Technical Center (MichaelBurov); air travel card; controller; Air Training Command; Air Training Corps; Air Transport Conference; accelerometer test complete; active control technology; aerodrome traffic control; aerodynamic torque converter; air technical command; air tight test; air transport committee; airborne test conductor; Airbus training center; air traffic service communication; alloy-tin couple; amended type certificates; Atlantic Test Center; auto throttle control; automatic technical control; automation training center; avionics team communication
abrév., banc. application transaction counter (Ying)
abrév., chimie org. alkoxy titanium chelate (igisheva); alkyl titanium chelate (igisheva)
abrév., défens. automatic test control
abrév., entr. Technical Committee of Petroleum Additive Manufacturers in Europe (october); advisory training center (Divina); airport traffic control; automatic telephone call; automatic temperature controller; automatic timing corrector
abrév., espac. adaptive transfer code; advanced technology component; advanced terminal controller; Aerospace Technical council; ancillary terrestrial component; asset threat category; Associate Technology Center/ Laboratory; Astronomy Technology Centre; automatic target cueing; automatic threat countering
abrév., expos., organisation;nom de l. Air Traffic Conference of America
abrév., impôts. air waybill transfer charge (авиаперевозка Yuriy83)
abrév., industr. Agreement on Textile and Clothing
abrév., informat. All Things Considered; address translation cache
abrév., ingén. automatic tap changing; automatic temperature compensation
abrév., lexiq. Artist Trading Card
abrév., makar. air-traffic control tower
abrév., marq. Authorized Training Center
abrév., micr. address translation chip
abrév., milit. Air Temperature Control; Air Threat Conference; air transportable clinic (USAF); armoured troop carrier (бронетранспортер - БТР Val_Ships); automatic temperature compensator; Advanced Training Command; Army Tactical Command; Army Terminal Command; Army Training Command; Army Transportation Corps
abrév., milit., aviat. active thermal control
abrév., médec. air traffic controller
abrév., météor. Activated Thymus Cell; around the clock (Vosoni); Certified Athletic Trainer (tania_mouse); antithyroid compound; approved type sertificate
abrév., oncol. Anaplastic thyroid cancer
abrév., phys., médic. Around The Clock
abrév., polym. tricarbonilate derivatives of amylose
abrév., progr. asynchronous transfer of control (Alex_Odeychuk)
abrév., pétr. after top center; average total costs; acetylene tetrachloride; actual time of completion; adaptive threshold control; Analytical Technology Committee; antimony tricarboxylate; automatic temperature correction; automatic threshold control; automatic timing controller; automatic tuning control
abrév., réseaux. authorized training center
abrév., sakh. automatic tool change
abrév., sciences. African Trade Center; Arctic Test Center; automatic train control system
abrév., serv. Airport Transfer Center (60 or 70 expected after END implemented and transition from AMC)
abrév., syst. available transit capacity (MichaelBurov); Trading System Administrator (MichaelBurov); TSA (MichaelBurov); available transfer capability (MichaelBurov)
abrév., techn. aircraft tower control clearance; Air Transport Command; assigned airspace; acceptance test certificate (Шандор); after top centre (Yan)
abrév., traf. area wide signal control; areawide signal control; network signal control
abrév., transp. automatic train control (system); automatic train control (system)
abrév., écol. anionic trash catcher (Anna Zagorulko)
abrév., écon. average total cost
abrév., écoss. Acoustic Torpedo Countermeasures; Air Training Command (USAF); Amended / Approved Type Certificate; Armored Troop Carrier Ship (USA); Army Training Center (US Army)
abrév., électr. air traffic control (system); address translation cache; address translation controller; accelerated thermal cycling; active transfer command; adaptive transform coder; additional trunk capacity; advanced temperature control (system); amplitude of transmission coefficient; area traffic control; assembly test chip; asynchronous terminal controller; attribute controller; automatic telecommunications center; automatic temperature controller; automatic temporal control; automatic tension control; automatic threshold-level control; automatic time correct; automatic timing control; automatic tint control; automatic traffic control; analog trip comparator; advanced transfer cache; air-traffic control; automatic tape calibration
abrév., énergie;industr. available transfer capacity (MichaelBurov); available transmission capacity (MichaelBurov); after top dead centre
abrév., équip. automatic tool changer
milit., abrév. Army Topographic command; Army training circular; advanced technical course; advanced technology components; adventurous training centre; air target chart; air transportable clinic; airtight container; approved type certificate; armament test center; armament training camp; armored troop carrier; assistant test chief; assistant trial counsel; automated technical control; automatic target counting; automatic tracking control
milit., nations. air traffic control
techn. advanced telerobotic control
techn., abrév. adiabatic toroidal compressor; aerial tuning capacitor; air to close; airborne test equipment computer; alert transmit console; automatic target caller; automatic threshold circuit; automatic turbine control; chief aviation electronics technician
énergie;industr., abrév. advanced technical ceramics; advanced technology center; anion trap column; annual total cost
atc abbr.
médic. athletic trainer certified (tothestarlight); around-the-clock (atc opioid - введение круглосуточных опиоидов AndreiKitsei)
AtC abbr.
abrév. Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical
ATc abbr.
abrév., scienc. cumulic anthrosol
: 34 phrases, 6 sujets