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auswaschen f
chim. elute (eluieren)
Auswaschen n
génér. leaching; elution; rain-out
chim. ablution; washing out
constr. undermining by water; elutriation
envir. wash-out
expl. panning out
industr. rinse
industr., constr. washing-off; cloth washing
médic. lavage; lavement
phys. elutriate; purge; scour (off); washdown
ressourc. scrubbing (of gas)
sciences. lessivage; lixiviation; wash out
techn. washout
auswaschen n
agric. leach (out)
chim. rinse out; flush out; to scrub; to rinse
expl. scour
médic. to wash out
Auswaschen v
chim. washing
envir. scrubbing
auswaschen v
génér. erode; leach out; scrub; wash out
constr. leach
médic. bathe
soins., sciences. elute, to
techn. scrub (gases)
auswaschend v
génér. washing out; sluicing out
: 12 phrases, 8 sujets
Chimie analytique1
Exploitation minière1
Ressources naturelles et conservation de la faune2