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figur. machinery
parap. aeroplane; plane; flying machine
techn. contrivance; mechanism
téléc. instrument; telephone; set; phone
| und
génér. and
| Instrumente
écon. means
| fur
règl. in favor of
| die
techn. those
| Starkstromtechnik
génér. heavy current engineering
| namlich
génér. i.e.
| fur
règl. in favor of
| die
techn. those
| Leitung
règl. managerial
| Umwandlung
intell. translation
| Speicherung
chim. warehousing
- seuls les mots individuels ont été trouvés

nom | adjective | phrases
Apparat m -(e)s, -e
génér. apparatus; extension telephone ext. (App.; Nebenanschluss); gadget
comm. telephone (set); extension (DE, number)
techn. appliance; arrangement; device; instrument; machine; set; accessory; equipment
urgence;soins. apparatus; device
Apparate m
génér. appliances; gadgets; instruments; apparatuses; devices
techn. auxiliaries; heat exchangers and pressure vessel
Apparat adj.
appar. unit
figur. machinery
parap. aeroplane; plane; flying machine
techn. contrivance; mechanism
téléc. instrument (telephone, Telefonapparat); telephone (Telefonapparat); set (telephone, Telefonapparat); phone (telephone, Telefonapparat)
Apparate adj.
envir. machinery
Apparate und Instrumente fur die Starkstromtechnik, namlich fur die Leitung, Umwandlung, Speicherung
: 1 phrases, 1 sujets