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VPL abbr.acentos
educ. Признание и оценка предшествующего обучения (Valuation/Validation of Prior Learning ec-vpl.eu DianaBu)
progr. язык визуального программирования (сокр. от "visual programming language" Alex_Odeychuk); язык программирования с управляющей графикой (сокр. от "visual programming language" Alex_Odeychuk)
 Inglés tesauro
VPL abbr.
abrev. Visible Panty Line; Visible Panty Liner; Visible Panty Lines; Visual Programming Languages; Voxel Public License
abrev., amer., aceit. vapor phase lubrication
abrev., avia. Vertical Protection Limit (oshkindt); volume of payload
abrev., bibl., cient. Vancouver Public Library; Vaughan Public Libraries; View, Purchase, Loan
abrev., educ., cient. Virtual Physics Laboratory, Northwestern University
abrev., electr. vector programming language; voltage programmable link (technology)
abrev., espac. vertical protection level
abrev., extens. Virtual Programming Language
abrev., ingen. Voltage protection Level (katrinna-m)
abrev., IT Visual Programming Language
abrev., med. Visual Perception Laboratory, University of Chicago
abrev., mil. Virtual Processing Laboratory
abrev., mil., avia. variable pulse laser
abrev., neurol. ventroposterolateral nucleus of thalamus (Ying)
abrev., petról. vertical pressure leaf
abrev., red d., IT Virtual Path Link
abrev., ropa. visible panty line (countours of underwear showing under clothes Faith24)
abrev., vet., med. Veterinary Products Laboratories
mil. variable pulse laser; vendor parts list