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vid [vɪd] sacentos
inf. ролик (Юрий Гомон); клип (Юрий Гомон)
vid [vɪd] s
inf. видюха (Keep the vids coming. Great job. – Продолжайте выкладывать свои видюхи. Отличная работа. dimock)
VIDS abbr.
mil. Вибросистема обнаружения вторжений (vibration Intrusion Detection System WiseSnake); ВСОВ (WiseSnake)
VIDs abbr.
telecom. идентификаторы VID (oleg.vigodsky)
 Inglés tesauro
VID [vɪd] abbr.
abrev. Vector Of Improving Directions; Vehicle Identification Number; video (adjective); Voltage IDentification (CPU)
abrev., cienc. vertical incidence Doppler Radar; vocabulary of information and documentation
abrev., dipl. Vienna Institute for Development
abrev., electr. vendor identifier; video identification code; voltage identification code
abrev., escoc. Virtual Image Display
abrev., extens. Graphic format (Word&Deed Vosoni)
abrev., intern. Virtual Information Desk
abrev., IT Screen Video Device Driver; Vendor Id; Virtualization Infrastructure Driver; YUV12C M- Motion Frame Buffer Video file Bitmap graphics; voltage identification digital
abrev., jur. District Court of the Virgin Islands
abrev., med. Visible Iris Diameter
abrev., mil. Vietcong Infantry Division; Vehicle Integrated Defense; visual identification; visual identification information display
abrev., mil., avia. vacuum-induction degassing
abrev., progr. Volume Identifier (идентификатор тома ssn)
abrev., radio video frequency
abrev., red d., IT VLAN IDentifier
mil. very important document; video image display; Visual Identification (Canadian)
tec. see; vide
vid [vɪd] abbr.
abrev., med. video (signal)
Vid. s
lat. Videlicet ("namely"); Vidua (Widow Breviary)
vid. abbr.
abrev., tec. vide
VIDS abbr.
abrev. Visually Integrated Display System
abrev., electr. videotex information distribution system
abrev., escoc. Vehicle Integrated Defense System programme (USA)
abrev., mil. Vehicle Integrated Defense System
abrev., mil., avia. visual integrated display system
abrev., petról. virtual image display system
mil. vehicle integrated defense system; video information distribution system; visual identification system
: 3 a las frases, 2 temas
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