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PRCA abbr.acentos
abrev. Парциальная красноклеточная аплазия (Pure Red Cell Aplasia wpik)
med. ИЭЦА (doktortranslator)
PrCa abbr.
med. рак простаты (Prostate Cancer WiseSnake); РП (WiseSnake)
 Inglés tesauro
PRCA abbr.
abrev., avia. problem reporting and corrective action
abrev., cir.plást posterior radial collateral artery
abrev., dep. Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association; ProRodeo Circuit of California
abrev., electr. pitch and roll control assembly
abrev., espac. pitch/roll control assembly
abrev., med. Posterior Right Coronary Artery; Pure Red Cell Aplasia; Pure Red-Cell Aplasia (doktortranslator); pure red cells aplasia
mil. problem reporting and corrective actions
nasd. Packaging Research Corporation