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gen. of law; legal; juristic; law; jural; juridic
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gen. office
| составляющие
ling. wh-element
отчтность | по
gen. unto
| специальным правилам
 специальные правила
tec. special regulations
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a las frases
юридический adj.acentos
gen. of law; legal; juristic; law; jural; juridic; juristical; jurisprudential; legalistic; judicial (Russia needs "precise legal, judicial guarantees because our Western colleagues have failed to deliver on verbal commitments they made," Putin said in a speech at the Kremlin this week, suggesting the start of "substantive talks on this topic." washingtonpost.com); lawful; judiciary (В.И.Макаров); juridical; legally; forensic; forensical; lawyerly
jur. de jure
юридически adj.
gen. technically (Earl de Galantha); legally; juridically
derech. judicially
jur. juristically; by the letter of the law (Alexander Demidov); in the legal sense (Alex_Odeychuk); de jure
patent. legal; legally
юридические конторы, составляющие
: 1 a las frases, 1 temas