
   Ruso Inglés
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 - этажный
gen. -storeyed; -storied
amer. -storied
makár. -storeyed
gen. floor-specific
electr. stepped
ingen. antic. multiple stage; multi-stage
| антенная
gen. aerial
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a las frases
этажный adj.acentos
gen. floor-specific (Staff is expected to initiate their floor specific fire plan. | ... CHClF2), used in the central air conditioning system, as well as the floor-specific fire suppression agent Halon 1301 Alexander Demidov)
electr. stepped
ingen., antic. multiple stage; multi-stage
makár. staged
- этажный adj.
gen. -storeyed; -storied
-этажный adj.
amer. -storied (in combination such as a two-storeyed house Alex Lilo)
makár. -storeyed (компонент сложных слов)
 Ruso tesauro
этажный adj.
gen. прил. от этаж
этажная антенная
: 2 a las frases, 1 temas
Antenas y guías de onda.2