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составление сметы
 составление смет
cont. budgeting
econ. fixing of budgets
 составление сметы
constr. quantity survey
cont. budgeting process
econ. budgeting; making-out of an estimate; making-out of a budget; fixing of budget
minería making estimates
| расходов по
 расходы по
prod. expenses to
определнной | сфере деятельности
 сфера деятельности
gen. province
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a las frases
составление сметыacentos
gen. costing (the process of calculating how much a product or service will cost, or the actual calculation itself: "We'll need to see some detailed costings before we can decide to go ahead with the project. "This software will help you provide accurate costing for each job that you do. CBED Alexander Demidov)
constr. quantity survey; costimating (на строительство)
construcc. costimating
cont. budgeting process
econ. budgeting; making-out of an estimate; making-out of a budget; fixing of budget
fin. computing
mil., tec. job estimating
minería making estimates
perf. cost estimating; estimating
publ. allocation
tec. drawing up a cost estimate; cost estimation
torp. making up of an estimate; drawing up of an estimate; fixing of an estimate; making up of a budget; drawing up of a budget; fixing of a budget
составление смет
cont. budgeting (доходов и расходов)
econ. fixing of budgets
tec. estimating
составление сметы расходов по
: 2 a las frases, 2 temas