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gen. situation; church-office; proper; church office; support unit; function
inf. sit
| мультиплексной передачи с частотным разделением
 мультиплексная передача с частотным разделением
red d. frequency-division multiplexing
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служба sacentos
gen. situation (особ. о прислуге); church-office; proper; church office; support unit (Alexander Demidov); function (в организации – АД Lavrov); soldier; place; office (церковная); work; duty; corps; employ; employment; service (государственная, военная, морская); services agency (в названиях; напр., Canadian Border Services Agency – Пограничная служба Канады, social services agency – социальная служба и т.п. masizonenko); ministering; ministration; ministry; stead; stedfast; waiting; church service; sted
Gruzovik guard (as a term of address); soldier (as a term of address)
antic. ministery; ministryship; steddy
astr. patrol
avia. division
constr. survey (геологическая, топографическая и т.п.)
derech. situation
ecles. service (церковная)
econ. career
electr. service (1. совокупность учреждений, организаций и технических средств, обеспечивающих постоянное функционирование специализированных систем, их обслуживание и предоставление соответствующих услуг 2. работа; род занятий)
estad. services; employment (относится только к служащим; при разработке данных о занятиях выделяют: "занятые преимущественно физическим трудом" и "занятые преимущественно умственным трудом")
ferroc. management
geof. survey (геологическая, топографическая и т.п.)
Gruzovik, inf. as a term of address guard; soldier (as a term of address)
industr. activity (подразделение)
inf. sit; job; duty called (извинительно: "Sorry I'm late," I tell her. "Duty called." – Извини, что опоздал – служба. 4uzhoj)
jur. institutional job; service job; agents
mat. maintenance
med. service (напр. военная)
medios. handling; service
micr. service (A program, routine, or process that performs a specific system function to support other programs)
mil. branch; arm of service; service arm; service branch; tour (как цикл с точки зрения продолжительности Киселев); duty tour; tour of duty; activity; department (корабля Киселев); career (в кадрах); Corps
negoc. department
náut. ferry service
perf. attendance
petról. agency; organization
red d. utility
rel. action; office (церковная); stewardship; church-office (A prescribed form or service of worship)
telecom. authority (напр., выделения полосы)
util. service separator
службы s
gen. buildings; belongings; outbuilding; appendages of a property (имения); easement; dependance (при имении, при доме); dependency (при имении, при доме); dependence (при имении, при доме)
agric. outbuildings
econ. outhouses; services
Gruzovik, antic. farm buildings
Gruzovik, mil. S (сокр. от services)
rar., antic. farmery
служба NTDS s
electr. new technology directory service; NT directory service
служба AOL s
IT America on-line (Bricker); AOL (Метран); america on-line (unact.ru Bricker)
служба UPS s
IT united parcel service (Bricker)
micr. UPS service
служба Online Correction Support s
tecn. OCS; Online Correction Service; Online Correction Support
служба JDC s
electr. Java Developer Connection
служба MCS s
electr. multipoint communication service
служба NIS s
electr. network information service
служба WATS s
electr. wide area telephone service
служба AIM s
IT AIM (название одного из сервисов AOL и соответствующей программы-клиента для мгновенного обмена сообщениями, интернет-пейджер AIM Метран); AOL instant messenger (unact.ru Bricker)
служба FTP s
micr. FTP Service (harser)
служба RBL s
micr. RBL service (The business that compiles and distributes lists of IP addresses from which spam has originated in the past)
службы Live s
micr. Live Services (A portfolio of Microsoft products, specifically adCenter, Office Live, Windows Live)
служба Virtual Machine Manager s
micr. Virtual Machine Manager service (The software component that runs Virtual Machine Manager)
служба Windows s
micr. Windows service (A service designed for consumers that runs on Windows or in a web browser)
служба Antigen s
micr. Antigen Service (The configuration and monitoring agent on the server to which the Antigen Administrator connects)
службы Windows Media s
micr. Windows Media Services
службы Access s
micr. Access Services (A scalable Web platform that enables users to publish an Access database application to a SharePoint site. Data in these databases can then be viewed and edited in a Web browser. This enables browser-based viewing and interaction with the databases on machines that do not have a database application installed)
службы EHS s
micr. EHS (Hosted spam and virus filtering from an Exchange Hosted Services provider. Users' e-mail is filtered according to rules managed by the organization's administrators. Users and administrators are given varying rights to adjust the filtering rules)
службы Exchange Hosted Services s
micr. Exchange Hosted Services (Hosted spam and virus filtering from an Exchange Hosted Services provider. Users' e-mail is filtered according to rules managed by the organization's administrators. Users and administrators are given varying rights to adjust the filtering rules)
службы ISA Server s
micr. ISA Server Services (The collection of services offered by ISA Server, such as ISA Server control service, Firewall service, Web Proxy service, Scheduled cache content download service or H.323 Gatekeeper service)
службы Microsoft SQL Server Notification Services s
micr. Microsoft SQL Server Notification Services (A Microsoft SQL Server add-in that provides a development framework and hosting server for building and deploying notification applications)
службы SQL Server Analysis Services s
micr. SQL Server Analysis Services (A feature of Microsoft SQL Server that supports online analytical processing (OLAP) and data mining for business intelligence applications. Analysis Services organizes data from a data warehouse into cubes with precalculated aggregation data to provide rapid answers to complex analytical queries)
службы Integration Services s
micr. Integration Services (по TRES stachel)
служба DPM s
micr. DPM service (The core component of DPM. The DPM service manages all core DPM operations, including replica creation, synchronization, and shadow copy creation)
служба Multi-Factor Authentication s
micr. Multi-Factor Authentication Service (A service that places an automated phone call, sends a text message, or pushes a notification to the Multi-Factor Authentication app on the user's mobile device and processes the result)
служба NIS s
micr. Network Information Service (A network naming and administration system that was developed by Sun Microsystems and is constructed on the client-server model of computing. Formerly known as Yellow Pages (yp), NIS provides a simple network look-up service that consists of databases and processes)
служба RIS s
micr. RIS (Software services that allow an administrator to set up new client computers remotely, without having to visit each client. The target clients must support remote booting)
служба SMS Executive s
micr. SMS Executive (The primary Configuration Manager service that accesses and updates the database and manages many different process threads)
служба Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication s
micr. Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Service (A service that places an automated phone call, sends a text message, or pushes a notification to the Multi-Factor Authentication app on the user's mobile device and processes the result)
службы Analysis Services s
micr. Analysis Services (A feature of Microsoft SQL Server that supports online analytical processing (OLAP) and data mining for business intelligence applications. Analysis Services organizes data from a data warehouse into cubes with precalculated aggregation data to provide rapid answers to complex analytical queries)
служба GLS s
progr. GLS (ssn)
служба gRPC s
progr. gRPC service (Alex_Odeychuk)
службы DCOM s
progr. DCOM services (ssn)
служба HTTP s
progr. HTTP service (ssn)
Windows-служба s
telecom. Windows service (oleg.vigodsky)
служба VISTA s
telecom. VISTA service (для связи в сельских и отдалённых районах)
Oracle-служба s
telecom. Oracle service (oleg.vigodsky)
RRS-служба s
telecom. RRS service (oleg.vigodsky)
Службы Windows SharePoint Services s
gen. Windows SharePoint Services (Многофункциональная технология в составе серверной системы Windows Server™ 2003, позволяющая компаниям и бизнес-подразделениям любого размера повышать эффективность ключевых бизнес-процессов и продуктивность рабочих групп. Georgy Moiseenko)
служба CompuServe s
gen. CompuServe
Служба SIRENE s
dipl. SIRENE (служба, обрабатывающая запросы на дополнительную информацию в национальных банках данных. Nyufi)
служба LMDS s
electr. local multipoint distribution service
служба MDS s
electr. multipoint distribution service
службы SDARS s
electr. satellite digital audio radio services
IT-служба s
jur. IT support function (Alexander Demidov)
служба Whois s
micr. whois
FTP-служба s
micr. FTP Service (harser)
службы Project s
micr. Project Services (A SharePoint application service that enables Project Server functionality)
служба ReportServer s
micr. ReportServer service (The local report service that manages, executes, renders, schedules, and delivers DPM reports)
служба SQL Server s
micr. SQL Server service (The SQL Server service that manages the DPM database)
службы Exchange Server s
micr. Exchange services (Exchange-specific services that run on a server that has Microsoft Exchange Server installed)
службы ACS s
micr. Audit Collection Services (A service that collects and forwards all security events from monitored computers to a central database)
службы Excel s
micr. Excel Services (A server technology enabling users to load, calculate, and display Excel workbooks on Microsoft Office SharePoint Server)
службы IIS s
micr. Internet Information Services (Microsoft Web server software, utilizing the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to deliver World Wide Web documents. Supports the Common Gateway Interface (CGI), the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and Gopher)
службы Microsoft Access s
micr. Microsoft Access Services (A scalable Web platform that enables users to publish an Access database application to a SharePoint site. Data in these databases can then be viewed and edited in a Web browser. This enables browser-based viewing and interaction with the databases on machines that do not have a database application installed)
службы Novell Directory Services s
micr. Novell Directory Services (On networks running Novell NetWare 4.x and higher, a distributed database that maintains information about every resource on the network and that provides access to these resources)
службы WSUS s
micr. WSUS (A collection of Microsoft services consisting of Microsoft Update, Windows Server Update Services server and Automatic Updates that provides a system management infrastructure for keeping Microsoft Windows Server and Windows operating systems up to date)
службы Reporting Services s
micr. Reporting Services (по TRES stachel)
службы Windows Server Update Services s
micr. Windows Server Update Services (A collection of Microsoft services consisting of Microsoft Update, Windows Server Update Services server and Automatic Updates that provides a system management infrastructure for keeping Microsoft Windows Server and Windows operating systems up to date)
служба Connect s
micr. Connect service (The networking service in Windows Azure that enables secure, IP-level network connectivity between a customer's on-premises IT resources and their cloud service deployments)
служба LSASS s
micr. Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (An interface for managing local security, domain authentication, and Active Directory processes. It handles authentication for the client and for the server. It also contains features that are used to support Active Directory utilities)
служба PowerPivot s
micr. PowerPivot service (A middle tier service of the Analysis Services SharePoint integration feature that allocates requests, monitors server availability and health, and communicates with other services in the farm)
служба Secure Store s
micr. Secure Store Service (The shared service that securely stores credential sets for external data sources and associates those credential sets to identities of individuals or to group identities. This service can be used to support a variety of solutions. For example, the stored credentials can be leveraged by certain applications to enable single sign-on)
служба WCF s
micr. WCF service (An application service such as authentication, profile properties, or roles, that can be accessed by any non-ASP.NET application that can read and send messages in SOAP format. WCF services enable different types of applications to share common data, such as user credentials for logging in)
служба OSGi s
progr. OSGi service (интерфейс, который зарегистрирован в среде OSGi Service Platform и доступен для приёма удалённых и локальных вызовов ssn)
служба GraphQL s
progr. GraphQL service (Alex_Odeychuk)
службы CORBA s
progr. CORBA services (ssn)
служба DCOM s
progr. DCOM service (ssn)
служба DCRA s
red d. DCRA (Data Center Resiliency Analysis Сашура)
SQL-служба s
telecom. SQL-service
служба listener s
telecom. listener service (oleg.vigodsky)
AAA-служба s
telecom. AAA service
RAS-служба s
telecom. RAS service (oleg.vigodsky)
служба s
mil., inf. business
служба мультиплексной передачи с частотным разделением
: 1 a las frases, 1 temas