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родня sacentos
gen. kinsfolk; cousinage; kissing kin (близкая); kindred; sib; folk; kin; in-laws (со стороны жены или мужа; my in-laws’ descent upon us last Sunday Taras); both close and extended family (Today we’re talking about family challenges, specifically how to navigate the dynamic with both close and extended family who may not be as tolerant or understanding of our differently wired kids or our reality and raising them as we would like. Shabe); cognation; connection; connexion
colect. relationship
colect., amer. kinfolk
Gruzovik, colect. relatives; relations
Gruzovik, inf. relative; relation
inf. my folks; folks; kinship (Yeldar Azanbayev); extended family (совокупность людей, находящихся в родственных отношениях друг с другом Alex_Odeychuk)
jur. affinity (по мужу или жене)
употр. с глаголом во мн.ч. родня s
colect., amer. kinfolks
"Родня" s
cine Family Relations (советский кинофильм, снятый режиссёром Никитой Михалковым в 1981 году)
близкая родня s
inf. kissing kin
роднить v
gen. make similar; unite; bring together
Gruzovik make related; bring together
родниться v
gen. become related (to, with)
Gruzovik become related to/with (impf of породниться)
родня: 40 a las frases, 5 temas