
   Ruso Inglés
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gen. filtering
automóv. filtration
construcc. percolating
ecol. screening
makár. displacement; draught
med. percolation
perf. clarification
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carret. via
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a las frases
процеживание sacentos
gen. filtering; cribration; translation
automóv. filtration
construcc. percolating
ecol. screening
electr. colation
Gruzovik, farm. cribration (the act or process of separating the finer parts of drugs from the coarser by sifting)
makár. displacement; draught
med. percolation
perf. clarification
tec. colation (обычно через фильтровальную бумагу); straining; nitration
процеживание через: 3 a las frases, 2 temas
Suministro de agua1