
   Ruso Inglés
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gen. scheme; procedure; formality; modality; policy
electr. dev
med. maneuver; manipulation; technic
 процедура CGI
IT CGI script
| внесения изменений в
 внесение изменений в
negoc. introduction of amendments to
| досье
gen. folder
утвержднного | лекарственного средства
 лекарственное средство
farm. pharmaceutical
- se han encontrado palabras individuales

sustantivo | sustantivo | a las frases
процедура sacentos
gen. procedure; formality; modality (I. Havkin); policy (I. Havkin); proceeding; protocol (The New York State Attorney Generals' Office has taken on the investigation, as is protocol for any fatal shooting involving a police officer in the state. • The officer, who has not been identified, is on paid administrative leave, as is protocol after a shooting, Long Beach Unified School District officials said. latimes.com sever_korrespondent); sitting (iwona); routine; manner (Ying); pleadings
astron. engineering
avia. procedure (напр., выполнения полёта)
cient. exercise (A.Rezvov)
cosm. service (igisheva)
econ. practice
electr. device
geof. module; operation; program
industr. route (напр., изготовления)
inf., fig. routine (The stupid cuss gives a groan and fades out. I find a fridge at the back of his desk and take out a cold bottle of water. I open the bottle and empty it down the back of Charlie's shirt. Then I wait for him to re-join the party. ... He flops down and passes out. I start the cold water routine again. – Приходится повторить процедуру с холодной водой.)
IT schema
jerg. pitch
jur. machinery; process; rite
mat. method
med. maneuver; manipulation; technic; technique; intervention (Andrey Truhachev); handling (amatsyuk); hospital policy (инструкции), утверждённые в больнице (клинике Andy)
medic. session (LINLINE); treatment session (LINLINE); treatment (LINLINE); pass (LINLINE)
micr. proc (ssn)
negoc. mechanism (Alexander Matytsin); convention (Min$draV)
patent. proceedings; action
progr. algorithm (ssn)
práct. procedure (parliamentary law)
quím. protocol (Мирослав9999)
tec. scheme; flow rate (Svetozar); endeavour (MichaelBurov)
telecom. making (напр., вызов); procedure outline (oleg.vigodsky); task procedure (oleg.vigodsky); flow rate (Svetozar)
процедуры s
apol. procedures
gest. procedure (Dashout)
ingen. measures (Svetozar)
med. treatment (baths, massages, etc.)
progr. algorithms (ssn)
процедура ESR s
finanz. POR procedure; payment order procedure
обычная процедура s
avia. routine
процедура CGI s
IT CGI script
процедура Operating-Lease s
savia. procedure for operational lease
DLL-процедура s
IT DLL procedure
процедура POST s
IT power-on self-test (unact.ru Bricker)
процедура Capital-Lease s
savia. procedure for capital lease
процедуры DLP s
telecom. DLPs (oleg.vigodsky)
процедура s
gen. scheme (Post Scriptum)
electr. dev
 Ruso tesauro
процедура s
gen. 1) установленный порядок ведения, рассмотрения какого-либо дела напр., судебная процедура.

2) Лечебное мероприятие, предписанное врачом напр., ванны. Большой Энциклопедический словарь

процедура внесения изменений в досье
: 1 a las frases, 1 temas