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пришло время
 пришло время
gen. it is time; the time is ripe; the time is ripe for it; it is about time; the time has come; today is the day
| прощаться
gen. bid farewell; bid somebody adieu
| на сегодня
 на сегодня
gen. to date
| вс
mil. Bundeswehr
| слушайте
gen. obey
| нас
 % нас.
medid. % sat.
| завтра
gen. morrow
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a las frases
пришло времяacentos
gen. it is time (to + inf. ...; контекстуальный перевод на русс. язык Alex_Odeychuk); the time is ripe (In January 1874 Gladstone decided that the time was ripe for a general election. triumfov); the time is ripe for it; it is about time (Andrey Truhachev); the time has come; today is the day (чего-либо; в контексте IrinaPol); it was time to (+ infinitive; referring to past events: The family recently hit hard times. Reluctantly, they decided it was time to sell their 130-year-old Queen Anne Revival mansion. Redevelopment seemed inevitable. Then serendipity knocked on the door. A local entrepreneur bought the heritage building and turned it into an upscale boutique hotel.)
Игорь Миг the time is ripe for
retór. it's time to (+ inf. Alex_Odeychuk)
пришло время прощаться, на сегодня
: 1 a las frases, 1 temas